Monday, January 19, 2009

Homework time! T finished his in about ten seconds, S is still working, N freaked out when M wanted him to work on sounding out words while writing. He’ll get there.

What did I do today? I woke near four, downed coffee, and headed to the Y. I’m not sure why, but after twenty minutes on the elliptical my legs had nothing left to give. The Y has about seventeen different types of elliptical. I wonder if I was using a special kind. Since the elliptical wasn’t working for me I switched to the treadmill and knocked out four miles in thirty-six minutes. Not bad. I tried to stay calm, breathe, and listen to Speaking of Faith. My shoulder held up until the last two minutes, when I sucked it up and ran through the pain. Afterward I did some crunches and talked with Tommy about basketball.

A wave of productivity hit after I ate and got ready for the day. I wrote a draft of tomorrow’s program update before practicing catching blueberries in my mouth with the kids. When they went to school I finished two proposal drafts. Tomorrow will be busy but not unbearable. I might go in Wednesday, too, although I’m usually home on Wednesdays. Near 10 I drove over to Kohl’s to buy the boys shoes with that 30% card. I snagged a couple shirts and some crap for work but felt generally disoriented by the shopping experience. I’m not meant to shop for longer than fifteen minutes at a time. A quick run through Costco and a stop at the depressing auto parts store (air filter, which I had a hard time installing in the parking lot) later and I was on the way home. The early afternoon hours passed with more email and paperwork. M had an appointment with her dentist so I picked the boys up from school. Ross and I hung out in the lobby and talked about why we avoid phone calls until the bell rang.

Classes start tomorrow. I will down my traditional pre-semester beer tonight then curl up with Revolutionary Road. Good night.

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