Sunday, March 29, 2009

Great. I just wrote a fairly extensive entry and my fucking computer shut down. Sometimes I hate my fucking computer. Anyway, highlights…

1. S and I saw some huge deer this morning on the way home from the coffee shop.
2. Also this morning N insisted on walking in my footprints through the snow so he didn’t mess up his shoes.
3. This week promises to be very busy.
4. I hate my fucking computer.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I’m in the Grafton Alterra’s, 7:40PM, Saturday night. I don’t know if it’s the snow, the white tea, the coffee, The Hold Steady, or the fact I’ve worked my ass off the last couple of hours, some combination of all the above, or something I’ve completely missed, but I’m feeling pretty good. The gently falling snow has become a rip-roaring snowstorm. Goddamn, I wish I had brought my camera. The intersection outside the window is small town beautiful, and the flakes, as big as the palm of my hand, are swirling in every direction. You can see them near the streetlights. Goodbye, winter. Thanks for visiting one last time.

So this week was crazy busy, and next week promises more of the same. I visited three schools in three days. Then, when I was in the office, everyone needed something. No, I don’t feel important. I’d like to close my door and keep everyone away, thank you very much. On the pro side, and the con side, I guess, the music teacher from one of the schools I visited told the AN ENTIRE CLASS OF CLINICAL STUDENTS that if I wasn’t married she would hit on me. Uh, thanks. Good for my ego, but I’m not going to hear the end of it for the foreseeable future. Ha.

Some insomnia returned early in the week but by Wednesday I was fine. I skipped working out Tuesday, thank you, insomnia, but pushed hard Wednesday through Friday. Today I did thirty minutes on the elliptical. Maybe I’ll do another thirty later. I don’t know.

This morning T and I hit Borders, where he bought some military science fiction book and I picked up a new dictionary. Dictionaries fascinate me. I went with this one because 1) the type was beautiful and easy on the eyes, 2) the boys can use it without difficulty, and 3) I like the paperback more than the hardcover:

I don’t know how the hell you can call this a “pocket” dictionary, though. Who’s got pockets that big?

T and I had fun. We hit Harry’s for lunch after the bookstore. Harry’s is a true step back in time, beautiful old appliances behind the counter, etc. Last year some jackasses threatened to close the building and replace the restaurant with a 50s diner. Fuckheads. Score a point for the real estate collapse.

I spent the rest of the day reading or on the elliptical. I thought about driving down to the office but the impending snowstorm and the fact I drove to the bookstore earlier pushed me toward the coffee shop. The space is almost empty, just a couple of other guys and I working on laptops. But thank you, Alterra’s, for staying open until 9PM. The ice cream place next door is open late, too. How in the hell do these businesses stay open? I have no idea.

That’s it for now. Beautiful night.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday, 7:07PM...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I’m in the glider, a little after noon, on M’s 40th birthday. T is watching tv, waiting for one of his friends to arrive. S and N are upstairs with one of S’s friends. I’m not sure what they’re doing. M is off shopping.

So far M’s birthday is going well. I’m tired, exhausted, even, as I was awake on and off from 3 or so because I wanted to make sure I rose early enough to set up the kitchen (see picture below) with M’s present. I needn’t have worried. She didn’t wake until seven. M liked the presents, at least, so getting up early, even earlier than usual, was worth it. We watched last night’s Dollhouse, M took the boys swimming, and I knocked out an hour on the elliptical while watching the Christmas episode from Gossip Girls’ first season. I needed the workout, too, as I’ve been eating M and M’s and ice cream all morning. After a quick shower I made tofu and vegetables for lunch and caught the start of UCLA/Villanova. S’s friend’s mom just called…he’s getting picked up soon. I don’t like interacting with other kids’ parents, but I guess it’s inevitable. Oh well.

I hit a heavy exhaustion wall Thursday. I had planned on working through some DPI proposals but didn’t have the energy. Instead of writing I slept, read (at the coffee shop, even), and cleaned. Friday was better. Through the morning I cleaned up my email, organized my schedules, and after lunch I observed a student teach a Science lesson at a small Catholic grade school just outside of Milwaukee. She did really well.

Maybe later I’ll sneak back to the coffee shop. Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow. We’ll see. The sun is out.
M's 40th birthday morning...40 bottles of Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy, 40 packs of M and Ms, a list of 40 cool things about her, and a gift certificate to the mall...we're not present people, so I hope she likes it:)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I’m on the front porch, most of the windows open, a strong wind from the south blowing through the space through the screen on my left. A moment ago my son rode his bike past the front of the house. I would estimate the temperature near seventy. Leaving the back door earlier this morning the air felt like summer although the gray grass, dormant foliage, and isolated dirty snow betrayed the last of winter.

This morning I woke later, near 6:30, after staying up until eleven last night. I hung with the boys, showered, and checked email, etc. until I started cleaning. By 9:30AM I had opened up the house to the new breeze. I returned a video to the library, hit Costco, and managed an hour on the elliptical to that new Travel Channel show featuring Dhani Jones (Thailand kickboxing, right up my alley after Bangkok 8) before lunch. Later I finished the kitchen and picked up The Savage Detectives from the library. I settled onto the front porch with the book until M called to remind me I was supposed to pick up St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes from the bakery. Shit! I hustled to the bakery, but they were out of everything but soda bread and tea cookies, then hit the supermarket, who only had rock-hard brownies sprinkled with tiny shamrocks. Fuck that. I found a key lime cake in the freezer section, declared it green enough for St. Patrick’s day, and drove home. M spread little gold pieces of candy all over the house, I put out the candy, and the leprechaun’s work was complete.

I’m slightly wired now, even after an hour on the elliptical. I could use a haircut. Maybe I’ll get one now. I should hit the dentist, too. But I’m not doing that now. More later.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Five Chicago Pics!

1. A tiny fraction of the impossibly intimidating Seminary Co-op Bookstore. This store leaves me dizzy.

2. 57th Street Books. Apparently Obama takes his daughters here.

3. You can't go anywhere in Hyde Park without seeing Obama shit for sale.

4. The bean.

5. The bean.

I am up at the titillating hour of 10:47PM. Pizza and diet cokes do wonder for my constitution.

And how was today, you ask? Today was excellent, thank you very much. Well, I woke kind of pissed off at 4:30AM because my 4:15AM alarm didn’t ring. Or maybe it did and I turned off the alarm but don’t recall. I hustled my coffee, etc. and reached the Y a little after 5. Thirty elliptical minutes felt fine, but a mile into the treadmill my right should hurt enough to warrant cutting short the workout. After eating eggs and taking a shower I decided to skip the early morning office and watch some show in which gymnasts have to leap through holes in a wall or risk getting knocked into lime green water. My kids love the show. Then I drove south, got slightly lost, and picked up Paul before nine. We coasted into Illinois, cut down Irving, and grabbed a muffin at Dunkin Donuts (stupidass Taco and Burrito House was still closed) before a quick walk through Mil Park and the Art Institute. The Munch show was fantastic. I only knew “The Scream” but Munch’s prodigious output is admirable. The show might be worth checking out twice. After the museum we got lost trying to find the car in the cold, clammy underground parking. Once we found the Saturn we kept drifting south into Hyde Park. We ate at Medici’s on 57th (calzone, god, I ate like shit today) before hitting a couple bookstores, including the impossibly intimidating Seminary Co-Op, where they every single Penguin, Oxford, and Harvard library edition known to man, including weird and ultra-rare Greek and Sanskrit editions. Like I said, intimidating. We cut through the hood to the Ryan and fought north, only stopping for a Giordano’s pizza in Gurnee. After dropping off Paul I arrived home near 5:30, scarfed half the pizza (ate like shit ate like shit ate like shit) and hung out with the boys before they burst out the door to play with their friends in the fresh spring air. I worry about my kids leaving the house. There are cars out there, you know. So I gave each one the “watch out for cars” lecture again. Later (much later than usual) they fell asleep. M and I watched the end of “Role Models” (quite funny). I should go upstairs and read. I’m not sure what I’m doing tomorrow. Structure! I need structure! Good night.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We’re halfway through March. Next Saturday is M’s 40th birthday. I’m on spring break, but I still have a ton of work to do. Life is decent.

Today is warmer, in the forties, I believe, and the sun shines strong through all the windows. I was up in the middle night due to a nightmare in which a colleague strangled me. See why I need spring break? Anyway, after reading Bryson and answering email I fell back asleep and woke near seven. This morning, after M and the boys went to church, I answered more messages, wrote a Bangkok 8 review for goodreads, and caught some of Role Models. When the boys returned N and S drifted towards video games while M and S went out to the store. I lifted weights while watching Fox News, downed a protein shake, and played with Nathaniel. Now S is eating a hot dog and N is watching Zaboomafoo. Later I’ll knock out thirty minutes of cardio, mail some packages, and read. Why am I grinding my teeth? I’m not used to open days.

Yesterday T, S and I drove down to Whole Foods while N and M were at the Y for swimming lessons. I like taking the boys to Whole Foods. They can go off on their own and talk with each other like brothers in the back of the car. We had an interesting conversation about bad neighborhoods after I told them to lock their doors while cutting down North avenue. T said the neighborhood looked run-down. I remember driving through similar neighborhoods with my dad when I was young.

What did I do for the rest of the day? College basketball, reading, phone, etc. Tomorrow Paul and I hit the Munch show in Chicago. Have a good Sunday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I’m on the couch, half-watching college basketball and quarter-watching the darkened aquarium. The remaining frog is nocturnal, apparently, and I can see him bouncing around here and there in the corners. The two fish were inside the tiki hut a few minutes ago but one of them is awake now.

Tonight I drove into work. I like the office on Friday nights. No one is there (except sometimes Casey, the security guy, but he only hung out for about fifteen minutes), I can play my music as loud as I want, and I get a ton done. Since the boys were playing with the neighbors I swung through Starbucks around 6:30PM, got some coffee, and got on the road. By eight I had cleaned out my email inbox, scheduled observations, and arranged some steno. Not bad. On the way home I stopped at Borders (decided against buying the Bolano and ordered it from the library instead). I don’t remember the last time I drove at night. Lame.

What else happened today? I woke near five, played hoops, ran three miles (8.5 minute miles), lifted, and did abs. But my weight is rising. Why? Am I eating that badly? I don’t think so. I don’t know. I’d use the “gaining muscle” excuse, but I don’t think I’m gaining THAT much muscle. I have the same body image issues as a fourteen year old girl. I’ll shut up now. The boys cleaned their room and I attacked downstairs. The boys were in my face pretty much constantly. I love them but maybe we’ve had a bit too much togetherness this week between the sick day with N and a day and a half I covered while they were out of school for p/t conferences. N cut his hair and some of T’s too. S went across the street without permission. Oh well. The rest of the hours were fine. I love my kids. I feel I’m too hard on them. But I don’t want them to grow up to be irresponsible idiots. Welcome to parenting.

The rest of the week was ok. I was busy at work both Wednesday and Thursday, and the semester’s home stretch may turn out to be a bitch. We’ll see. How many weeks? About eight? We’ll work it out. The DPI writing could be tough. A lot of loose ends. People are feeling the pressure. Maybe I’ll start writing this weekend, Sunday, maybe.

Ok, despite the fact I’m somewhat wired (coffee) I think I’ll hit bed with a book. I should finish Bangkok 8 tonight. Get some sleep, people. Spring is coming.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today was long and dissonant, rainy and foggy, and N and I are sick. I couldn’t work out because of the influenza A thing, and I’m somewhat bouncing off the walls. Where should I start?

How about at 4:15AM? I set my alarm for 4:15AM, but the alarm rarely activates, as I’m usually up before then. But today the alarm rang, I turned it off, and I slept until 7:30. If that’s not an indicator I’m sick, I don’t what is. Still, I wasn’t barfing, and I could kind of walk, but I had no energy and kept getting vertigo. I would have slept most of the day but N stayed home for the second day in a row, and since I was home M went to work. So N and I sat on the couch and watch about eight hours of kids’ television, including three episodes of Zooboomafoo and the Kim Possible movie. I net-cruised and graded lesson plans while hanging out. Now I’m ready to get out of the house. This could be very, very bad as I’m with the kids Thursday afternoon and Friday as well. N needs to go to school tomorrow or M has to stay home with him or I’ll get nothing done. Anyway, maybe I’ll sneak out to the library, solo, tonight. We’ll see. I could use some good coffee, too. These cloudy, foggy days throw me into dissonance. I know I can grow from dissonance. I also can recognize my own thought/depression patterns and how the fuck with me.

At least I just spent thirty minutes in the bath with Bangkok 8. I should have eaten fewer M and Ms, though, and I wish I could work out.

This will work itself out. Breathe.

Monday, March 09, 2009

My six year old son and I are watching Phineas and Ferb. He has the flu or, formally, the word “influenza” followed by a couple of letters. He has tons of boogers flowing from his nose and looks exhausted. M stayed home with him today and I’m taking tomorrow. I don’t know that he’ll move from the couch much. He’s not faking like his oldest brother.

So what did I do yesterday and today? Well, yesterday, Sunday, I slept way late, like, 9:30 with the time change. On Saturday night, after the symphony, I took 3mg of melatonin and that motherfucker knocked me OUT. The boys were everywhere Sunday, spazzing out from room to room, without regard for my attempts to hide, so I started to lose my cool. Finally I snuck on the front porch and read while the hard rain and intense wind tore through the neighborhood. Later M, T, and S went to a high school play while N and I built a new set-up (something about iron miners). I watched the Burn Notice season finale and, uh, what did I do? I think I made pasta for dinner, the Annie’s organic pasta and cheese kind. Later I tried to sleep and failed so instead I hung out with N (furthering my suspicion, now that I think about it, that I may have the flu too) until he fell asleep next to me in the guest bedroom. After transferring him to his bed, I read a little from Bangkok 8 before crashing myself.

This morning I rose near three, which was actually two, at least a couple days ago, but I managed the day without too much difficulty. I answered email, etc. until downloading a couple episodes of Speaking of Faith and heading to the gym. I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical and two miles on the treadmill. That third mile wasn’t in the cards, I’m not sure why. As I was leaving a friend recruited me into a three on three hoops game. I covered a guy about four feet taller than me. He scored about sixty points in forty minutes. Anyway, after breakfast, etc. I drove to work. An accident on 43 delayed me for fifteen minutes but I got in a quick groove and finished some budget projections a day early. Yay! Then I quick-prepped for my class and descended to the basement. Some of the students were a bit whiny about lesson planning form so I had to give the combined beat down/pep talk (push yourself…you can do better than this…don’t just rely on me to re-explain the directions over and over again…) after they worked in groups. I lectured briefly on dispositions then sent them outside to draw “antithesis disposition” scenes on the sidewalk with chalk. I guess the weather was a bit cold (mid-forties?) but they did a good job. On the way home I picked up a couple neon tetras. Now T wants to watch a show about a couple guys who go into the wilderness to live with native tribes or something. I should take the opportunity to hang out.

More later. I think I’m getting sick.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

I’m on the couch, Saturday afternoon, television off, aquarium filter humming nearby. N is on the other computer. M, T and S are upstairs watching a movie about a Chihuahua. We have symphony tickets later tonight. Maybe I’ll write a memo hanging over my head after I finish this journal entry.

Whoo, this week left me exhausted. Why? I attending a slew of meetings, taught (although the teaching went well, at least) and rushed here and there to cover for M because she had an IEP, etc. Her job is starting to piss me off again. So much for a 60 percent gig. Anyway, yesterday the week caught up to me. I ran four miles at the Y in the morning then hustled home to shower, eat, etc. before an 8AM meeting. I had to leave that shindig for a 10:30 meeting. Once that gathering ended Preston and I got lunch in the cafeteria. By then I was tired enough to avoid gainful employment, even though I probably could have used the paperwork session, and instead fucked around on the computer and eventually hit Borders for a scouting trip. At 3:10 I returned to the office for the last of the Friday meetings. By 4:30 I was out the door and a quick Costco session later I loaded the food onto the front porch and ate enough pizza and peanut M and Ms to sustain my entire family. I fell asleep in the guest bedroom with Bangkok 8.

This morning S and I watched Sportscenter together before dawn. By eight I was cleaning the front porch. The boys had started the job, and they made a sizable dent in the mess, but remember, our front porch becomes a de facto cold storage area from December through February. Most days you have to nudge shoes, backpacks, etc. out of the way with your feet just to clear a path to the door. I managed to render the space usable and sat out in the area the boys call “the lounge” with T and the computer. Later I read quietly and burned some CDs. The boys were on my nerves most of the morning. I needed the quiet. They’re on the front porch now. Rain, the bracing, refreshing spring kind, continues to fall. The last of the heavy, dirty snow is disappearing.

Tomorrow is wide open. I need a wide open day.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

N had a nightmare, screaming, not aware of the world nightmare, so M and I sat with him until he fell back asleep. Poor kid. I’m awake now. Almost four, too late to go to sleep, I think. I’ll suck it up. People suck it up every day.

Exhaustion has crept up on me as we crawl toward spring break. The last of the dirty snow is melting, but when it’s gone all that will be left is dormant grass and dirty sidewalks. Should I do Tai Chi this morning? I sound like shit, don’t I?

I think I’ll brush my teeth and do Tai Chi.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

3/1/09 Sunday 4:32AM

Happy March first! Why aren’t you people up at 4:30 on a Sunday morning? Losers.

So M’s out east, visiting her mom/fading uncle. She left yesterday before dawn. The boys and I had a good day. What the hell did we do? They played video games until 9 or so, when I dragged them to the pet store to peruse aquarium supplies. We decided to buy an aquarium. The boys were hilarious negotiating with each other as to what fish/decorations warranted inclusion. Pictures to follow. Later the neighbor kids with the divorcing parents came over. They were over Friday night, too. I don’t mind. Everyone gets along and the dad going through the divorce can use a break. Crusader Extreme arrived in the mail, finally, but of course the game didn’t work on M’s shit computer. This morning I’m going to teach N how to work the laptop mouse. Later T left for the Bucks game/sleepover. He was quite excited. I should mention earlier in the day he just wanted to sit on the couch with me and watch tv. T’s a great kid. Anyway, after he left S and N watched Tom and Jerry until N and I went upstairs to read. He’s decoding is coming along well. Once N slept S and I watched the first half of the Bucks game (S claimed to see T on television) then crashed ourselves. N found me in the middle of the night, stole all the covers, etc. so I woke near 3:30. I’m up now. Coffee’s ready. Good morning.