Sunday, January 25, 2009

And good morning to you! I’m on my second cup of coffee. All three boys are playing Crusaders on the computer. They only get an hour of computer time this morning then they must go do something non-electronic until noon. Earlier N and I ran to the local donut shop and snagged breakfast. M is still sleeping. I’ll hit the Y in thirty minutes then hopefully avoid leaving the house for the rest of the day.

What did I do yesterday? The day passed without much time for reflection. S and I watched T’s first game before we drove over to S’s game. Ross and I talked while the opponent kicked S’s team’s ass all over the floor. I was deathly hungry when we (S and his friend Tanner, in his case) arrived home so I scarfed tacos for lunch. Bad idea. Later, after lifting, I hit the Y for thirty minutes on the elliptical and three miles on the treadmill. I thought I was going to die with all that taco shit in my stomach. Whoo. Rick and Bella were in the hall as I was leaving. We talked for a few minutes. I’m glad he’s back in town. After a shower I organized some new downloads before Calvin arrived for high-quality television-oriented babysitting. God, by the way, I was fucking freezing. I’m not sure why the cold impacted me so much last night. Maybe the wind was a factor. I don’t know. We settled on Chuck’s in Theinsville for dinner. M had pasta and I had eggplant parmesan (sp?). Our waitress was new, poor girl, in full freakout mode. We arrived at the symphony hall a little early. I saw a couple people I know from a distance but didn’t feel like socializing. The sparse crowd allowed us room to spread out. Both the Weber and Chopin were awesome. The crowd went wild, well, as wild as classical music crowds can go. We left at intermission. I wasn’t that interested in the Rimsky-K, and both of us wanted to get warm at home. After dropping off Calvin I curled up on the couch with The Soul Thief and fell asleep by 10:30.

Today’s wide open. Maybe I’ll work on a poem. January is almost over.

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