Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I’m in the local coffee shop, just after 8AM, waiting for my iced tea and adding the last journal entry of the month. I’m trying to breathe slowly in anticipation of a long day. Last night I wasn’t feeling well and fell asleep by eight-thirty. I slept until six-thirty. Normally failing to work out on a Tuesday morning is a very bad idea, leading me to bounce off my office walls, but I’ve put together a long stretch without a day off and I don’t want to get sick. I feel the onset of a light grade fever so I’ll take today easy. I’m just going to sit here, write, maybe read a little, breathe deeply, and wait until 8:45AM or so to head south for my 9:30AM class.

So what did I do yesterday? Let me think. I ran early, 5:30 to 6:30, beautiful morning and not a bad run. I hit some traffic on the commute but still reached work by 8. Within an hour I found out a two hour meeting was cancelled and I decided to use the time to plan my ass off. I think I’m set for the next two weeks, three, really, as I’m giving the students a planning day on the 14th. Rock and roll. I left work a little after two, stopped at Borders (couldn’t find anything I wanted that I couldn’t get from the library), then sat in the lobby of the boy’s school and read until the bell rang. By the way, “The Drnnkard’s Walk” is due back at the library tomorrow. Boogers. I’m only halfway done, but I can’t renew because there’s a waiting list. Guess I’ll sign up on the list again. Anyway, the boys and I hung out at home while M attended an after school meeting. I sat on the couch and channel-surfed from the White Sox game to the Superfriends (for N) and ate eggs for dinner. Later I tried to read some collection of essays called “Not That You Asked” but I wasn’t that into them and fell asleep. And there you go.

Ok, I’m going to stop staring at the screen and start staring out the window. September is almost over. The temps won’t reach fifty today. I love Port in the fall.

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