Saturday, September 13, 2008

M is up too, believe it or not. I was thinking of working out but the elliptical has been loud lately, not sure why, so I think I’ll wait until six or so. Maura wants to watch Veronica Mars, anyway. I’m on the front porch, listening to a steady rain, checking out Friday night email which means, well, next to no email. Maybe I’ll read soon. I suppose I could run outside in the rain. Nah.

Last night S and I drove over for the first half of the Port High football game. Damn, I wish I had taken the camera. I’d say maybe six, seven hundred people sat in the Port bleachers, mostly middle and high school students. About 25% of said students do not pay attention to the game at all. S and I first sat in a section near the gate. No other adults were sitting in the mostly deserted section. I wonder if some unwritten rule passed down through football attendee generations indicates that non-students should sit elsewhere, but S wanted to sit in that section, so we did for the first quarter. High school football is slow, man. Running play after running play followed by a bad pass play. Maybe all football is slow without television. After the first quarter S and I walked the bleacher gauntlet to the snack bar. This bleacher gauntlet is a bit nerve-wracking because of the bright floodlights and the feeling that you’re parading in front of the crowd. After picking up a coke and a water bottle S and I stood near the fence for the rest of the first half and part of halftime. The dance team did their thing while I talked with a former student’s dad. S and I bailed not long after the second half stopped. I’m glad we went. He and I don’t get to do a lot together on our own.

The boys fell asleep by nine. I was out of sorts, physically, hungry and wired, so I ate guiltily and considered working out but read another fifty pages of “Bridge of Sighs” instead.

Oh, yesterday I prepped my ass off between meetings so I think I can stay home from work on Monday. I might hit the office for an hour or two tomorrow morning just to make sure I’m set for Tuesday.

Ok, I’ve been thinking of tension, drama, and my upbringing lately. Sometimes I think I worry about unnecessary issues because worrying creates the level of internal tension to which I’m used. In other words, I’m accustomed to feeling tense so I create weird shit about which to worry in order to raise the level of tension to one in which I’m used. Disturbing thought.

The rain is picking up. I should mention how much I like the new Stars EP. More later. Good morning.

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