Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Whew, too much testosterone permeated the baseball fields tonight, thank you very much. Some loud guy (M says he lives on the next block) down the lawn chair row would not shut the fuck up about his Wisconsin Dells vacation. He would not shut the fuck up! I was trying to read while he was all, “fireworks this, hunting that, waterpark this.” I buried my nose in my book (The Book of Vices) and tried to ignore him. Then the coaches must have taken goddamn Viagra before the game. Sometimes I have a hard time describing the manliness I hate. The nerd book helped, with the analysis of how farm work was historically deemphasized for office work and men had to find other ways to sound tough. Fuck. Great. Apparently the Port Washington machine-pitch field on Tuesday is the center of the goddamn testosterone universe.

Today was a good day. I slept well again, woke near 7, worked out to Anthony Bourdain’s “London” episode, and drove into work. C and I talked in the hallway until close to ten. The next hour passed with email and message board replies. Near eleven I left the office (kind of loud on the floor, anyway), slipped through Whitefish Bay, and picked up P. We hit Bayshore’s Barnes and Noble where, after a brief search, we found the Shakespeare section so P could choose editions for a class he’s teaching this fall. Afterwards we hit Alterra’s. I snagged iced green tea (took forever), P ordered coffee, and we settled into an outside table to gossip and check out the overtanned Bayshore moms. Later I returned to the office, finalized syllabi and handouts for a summer course, and conducted a remarkably positive conference call with PR about a website modification. T’s drum lesson, scheduled for four, approached quickly. I jumped in the car, met M and the boys at one of N’s friends for a car trade, and drove N home.

I’m a bit read-out at the moment. Later tonight I’ll probably watch Semi-Pro. Something light might be good tonight.


hundeschlitten said...

It sounds like you are talking about the mindless male fighting over space (physical, auditory, psychic, whatever)... and I hate it too. I don't know how much being off the farm has to do with it, other than that there's a whole lot more space and fewer guys to jostle with out in the country.

And, while I haven't read your nerd book, the farmers were almost always the meek ones... it was the knights and the pirates and the cowboys who were the bad asses.... Farm life is about hard work, whereas being a male dick is usually about not working at all and taking from others by force or guile.

But yes, those guys piss me off too. I'd be tempted to walk up to them when they're off-guard and start talking in great detail about the new Coldplay album.

randomanthony said...

Maybe I didn't say that well. You'll have to read the book, I'm too lazy to explain it now. Hope you're winning at strategy.