Thursday, June 26, 2008

Out on the front porch, beautiful night, tired after a scattered week. I felt like I worked a ton and got very little accomplished. Oh well. At least I can leave my office pretty much whenever I want.

So what did I do? On Monday I hung around the office, at least through the morning, and finished some paperwork and prep for the assessment course. On Monday night T had a game but S, N and I stayed home. We’ve got too many baseball games scheduled for the entire family to attend every one. Tuesday…oh, I hit the soul-draining associate deans’ meeting in the morning before attending S’s game that night. Wednesday morning I pulled N out of his summer school program because his teacher was a total bitch. She had nothing good to say to the students as they walked into the room, didn’t say hi or anything, so I told his teacher that she wasn’t doing much to set up the students for a positive day and walked him out. I felt badly because at first I think N thought he did something wrong, which he didn’t, so he and I hit the harbor and walked through the park. He read the letters off of each sign. We had fun. Later I hit work for an annual report meeting then finished the report as soon as the meeting ended. Oh, the SECOND elliptical broke. Cheap informercial piece of shit…M wanted it, though, and I didn’t pay. However I’ve been working out so much lately (often twice a day) that the thought of losing the elliptical almost sent me into a panic. When N left for his game T, S and I hit the highway in search of a new elliptical. Coscto didn’t have a good one in our price range (500 or lower) and the used equipment store in Mequon apparently shut down. M said Bayshore had a place so we drove down. I didn’t expect much from Bayshore, assuming that everything would be high-end. However, after walking through the mall we found the store in question and located a decent floor model for 300 bucks! We bought it immediately. I was especially thrilled we didn’t have to put the sucker together. Anyway, T freaked out because he thought the hatch would open while we transported the machine so we took the slow back roads home. After we arrived I gave the elliptical a shot. God, I sweated my ass off. The resistance is tougher on this machine than the last. Today I stumbled into work, met with Tia, wrapped up some paperwork, and drove home. The Orioles kicked the Cubs asses (yay!) while I cleaned the first floor. I thought of reading but I think I would have had a hard time getting in the groove. My mind has felt scattered with work such a mess and baseball obligations every night. Later I rode my bike, mostly on backroads, and took a bath with this month’s “In Style.” Now I’m on the porch.

Ok, a couple quick bullets…

I’m working through the first season of “Weeds”. Good show.

The new Sigur Ros is excellent.

I’m reading Rivka Galchen’s “Atmospheric Disturbances”. The book is excellent through the first fifty or so pages. I wasn’t sad to put “Emma” down.

I’m about an hour into “Juliet of the Spirits”. Perhaps I’ll watch more tonight. I’m in the mood to hit a theatre film, though. I love theatres late at night in the summer.

More later. Good night.

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