Saturday, November 29, 2008

The boys are about to watch “Space Chimps”. I’m not proud.

Today was a weird day. This morning I tried to lift but didn’t have the energy. After some coffee and a shower I grabbed T and stumbled towards the library. The space was empty. I read in the downstairs lobby while T searched for books and harassed the librarian. Later, restless, I drove into the office, watered the plants, and prepared for the week. I thought of grading papers but didn’t have the focus. Instead I stopped at Michael’s and bought what I hope is the last of the boys’ Christmas presents (a few more art supplies and a “green” easel, apparently green art supplies are not in high demand as they were heavily discounted). My restlessness remained so I accessed the energy to lift and complete an hour on the elliptical while watching the bizarre foods guy visit Sicily. I showered, ate (man I love yogurt and granola) and snagged the computer from my “Civilization” obsessed children.

I don’t know how much of this movie I can watch. The second floor is calling me.

Three to six inches of snow should arrive tomorrow night. I’m ready.

The house is messy. Tomorrow I’ll clean and clear my head. I hit the ground running Monday and Tuesday is the last of my marathon teaching sessions, so I want to be prepared.

I’m in a somewhat strange mental state right now. I wonder if it’s the right kind of cognitive dissonance. Remember, the anniversary of my teenage incarceration is only a few days away.

N seems frustrated lately, but he’s getting better, I think. He can be hard to read. I’m never quite sure how he’ll react to most stimuli. I suppose in some ways that’s good.

More later, with pictures. Good night.

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