Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why good morning, everyone. A little past seven here. The boys are on the couch, alternating between the television and video games. All three are under the same cover. While the weather is supposed to hit eighty today, and I don’t mind summer’s last gasp, the air is still a bit cold. I’m not sure what we’re doing today, but I should get out of the house and into the sun.

Yesterday was a weird day. N woke me at 4 and I couldn’t get back to sleep. Normally rising that early wouldn’t throw me much but my sleep patterns have been slightly off anyway so I felt discombobulated and vaguely ill most of Saturday. N barfed a couple times around sunrise so we decided to take Saturday easy. S and I drove to the West Bend farmer’s market (only a few weeks left) and picked up peppers and cheese. S also bought a cookie shaped like construction equipment. On a lark we bought Italian soda syrup at the small West Bend coffee shop and stopped for club soda the creepy rural Piggly Wiggly we pass on the way home. Later I found out the coffee shop marked up the syrup from 7 bucks (what you pay on the net) to 15. Man, I understand that making money in the coffee shop business is hard, but don’t rip me off. Anyway, later N and I hung out while M, T, and S took in the opening of the new local playground. I didn’t work out all day and felt all weird. Bleh. I read alternated between reading Sloane Crosby and cruising the net. Later I finished rearranging the living/dining room and…well, that was pretty much it. Today could go either way, but I’m determined to render today positive. I better start now. Might go for a run after M wakes. Good day.

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