Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today was long and dissonant, rainy and foggy, and N and I are sick. I couldn’t work out because of the influenza A thing, and I’m somewhat bouncing off the walls. Where should I start?

How about at 4:15AM? I set my alarm for 4:15AM, but the alarm rarely activates, as I’m usually up before then. But today the alarm rang, I turned it off, and I slept until 7:30. If that’s not an indicator I’m sick, I don’t what is. Still, I wasn’t barfing, and I could kind of walk, but I had no energy and kept getting vertigo. I would have slept most of the day but N stayed home for the second day in a row, and since I was home M went to work. So N and I sat on the couch and watch about eight hours of kids’ television, including three episodes of Zooboomafoo and the Kim Possible movie. I net-cruised and graded lesson plans while hanging out. Now I’m ready to get out of the house. This could be very, very bad as I’m with the kids Thursday afternoon and Friday as well. N needs to go to school tomorrow or M has to stay home with him or I’ll get nothing done. Anyway, maybe I’ll sneak out to the library, solo, tonight. We’ll see. I could use some good coffee, too. These cloudy, foggy days throw me into dissonance. I know I can grow from dissonance. I also can recognize my own thought/depression patterns and how the fuck with me.

At least I just spent thirty minutes in the bath with Bangkok 8. I should have eaten fewer M and Ms, though, and I wish I could work out.

This will work itself out. Breathe.

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