Monday, March 09, 2009

My six year old son and I are watching Phineas and Ferb. He has the flu or, formally, the word “influenza” followed by a couple of letters. He has tons of boogers flowing from his nose and looks exhausted. M stayed home with him today and I’m taking tomorrow. I don’t know that he’ll move from the couch much. He’s not faking like his oldest brother.

So what did I do yesterday and today? Well, yesterday, Sunday, I slept way late, like, 9:30 with the time change. On Saturday night, after the symphony, I took 3mg of melatonin and that motherfucker knocked me OUT. The boys were everywhere Sunday, spazzing out from room to room, without regard for my attempts to hide, so I started to lose my cool. Finally I snuck on the front porch and read while the hard rain and intense wind tore through the neighborhood. Later M, T, and S went to a high school play while N and I built a new set-up (something about iron miners). I watched the Burn Notice season finale and, uh, what did I do? I think I made pasta for dinner, the Annie’s organic pasta and cheese kind. Later I tried to sleep and failed so instead I hung out with N (furthering my suspicion, now that I think about it, that I may have the flu too) until he fell asleep next to me in the guest bedroom. After transferring him to his bed, I read a little from Bangkok 8 before crashing myself.

This morning I rose near three, which was actually two, at least a couple days ago, but I managed the day without too much difficulty. I answered email, etc. until downloading a couple episodes of Speaking of Faith and heading to the gym. I knocked out thirty minutes on the elliptical and two miles on the treadmill. That third mile wasn’t in the cards, I’m not sure why. As I was leaving a friend recruited me into a three on three hoops game. I covered a guy about four feet taller than me. He scored about sixty points in forty minutes. Anyway, after breakfast, etc. I drove to work. An accident on 43 delayed me for fifteen minutes but I got in a quick groove and finished some budget projections a day early. Yay! Then I quick-prepped for my class and descended to the basement. Some of the students were a bit whiny about lesson planning form so I had to give the combined beat down/pep talk (push yourself…you can do better than this…don’t just rely on me to re-explain the directions over and over again…) after they worked in groups. I lectured briefly on dispositions then sent them outside to draw “antithesis disposition” scenes on the sidewalk with chalk. I guess the weather was a bit cold (mid-forties?) but they did a good job. On the way home I picked up a couple neon tetras. Now T wants to watch a show about a couple guys who go into the wilderness to live with native tribes or something. I should take the opportunity to hang out.

More later. I think I’m getting sick.

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