Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I’m on the front porch, most of the windows open, a strong wind from the south blowing through the space through the screen on my left. A moment ago my son rode his bike past the front of the house. I would estimate the temperature near seventy. Leaving the back door earlier this morning the air felt like summer although the gray grass, dormant foliage, and isolated dirty snow betrayed the last of winter.

This morning I woke later, near 6:30, after staying up until eleven last night. I hung with the boys, showered, and checked email, etc. until I started cleaning. By 9:30AM I had opened up the house to the new breeze. I returned a video to the library, hit Costco, and managed an hour on the elliptical to that new Travel Channel show featuring Dhani Jones (Thailand kickboxing, right up my alley after Bangkok 8) before lunch. Later I finished the kitchen and picked up The Savage Detectives from the library. I settled onto the front porch with the book until M called to remind me I was supposed to pick up St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes from the bakery. Shit! I hustled to the bakery, but they were out of everything but soda bread and tea cookies, then hit the supermarket, who only had rock-hard brownies sprinkled with tiny shamrocks. Fuck that. I found a key lime cake in the freezer section, declared it green enough for St. Patrick’s day, and drove home. M spread little gold pieces of candy all over the house, I put out the candy, and the leprechaun’s work was complete.

I’m slightly wired now, even after an hour on the elliptical. I could use a haircut. Maybe I’ll get one now. I should hit the dentist, too. But I’m not doing that now. More later.

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