Sunday, July 27, 2008

T turns ten today! Happy birthday, T. I couldn’t ask for a better older son. He wants an Mp3 player for his birthday, so we’ll hit Best Buy this morning as long as he doesn’t ask me if we can leave now about ten thousand times before 9:30AM.

My testicles are recovering, thank you very much, but I’m still not ready to lift weights or work out on the elliptical. Yesterday morning I slept until eight (later than usual) and washed my hair as well as I could without taking a shower. This whole “don’t take a shower until Monday” thing annoys me. I doubt I’d make a good hippy. I finished “Goodfellas” while the kids played video games and read “Oscar Wao.” Mike from next door came over and hung out. Ok, what else did I do? I started “LA Confidential.” And I read more Oscar Wao, something like eighty pages throughout the day. I didn’t do much else. I slept for a couple hours in the afternoon. I tried not to hurt my balls. My god, I have very little else to say. Oh, I also watched most of the Brewers’ comeback victory against the Astros and slept upstairs in the air conditioning.

Tomorrow we visit Chicago. I’m looking forward to it. More later, when I have something interesting to say.

1 comment:

hundeschlitten said...

Happy Birthday T!