Sunday, November 07, 2010

I’m on the couch while T watches “Destroyed in Seconds” and Mack crashes between us. Pete is sleeping in the kitchen sun. Today’s bright and sunny. M and the other two boys are off at the Y.

This week has gone pretty well. A couple times I felt really calm. When that happens I recognize the state as something I used to feel regularly. I breathe and try to keep the sense of calm for as long as a stretch as possible. I thought I taught pretty well and did a decent job of avoiding working too much while getting a little ahead on course planning. Friday morning I hit the office by 5:30AM and got a ton done before heading out for a six mile walk around 10AM. Autumn is here, the air was cold and the wind is strong, but I listened to the eels playlist and dug the walk.

What else is going on?

• T is done with football for the year, thank God, and S’s outdoor soccer is finished, too. So this weekend was more or less event free. That ruled. I read a lot (finished The Unnamed earlier in the week, should knock out An Abundance of Katherines soon, then back to Moby Dick), caught up on television (the first Walking Dead was pretty good) and hung out with the boys.

• I’ve been eating way too much Halloween candy. Today I’m focused, though, and I’ll be fine. I know how to work out (even though I only did five, rather than six, days last week and Dr. L.’s encouraging me not to overdo the physical) and eat better.

• M and I took the dogs to the dog park on…let me think…Wednesday? That was fun, just circling the space and watching them glide through the trees. Dogs at full speed are beautiful.

• We’re down to the last four weeks of the semester, and one of those is Thanksgiving week. Wild, eh?

• I feel like cooking something today, but that would require me going to the store again. Maybe I’ll just make pasta. Yesterday I roasted potatoes from the farmers market. Is that hippy enough for you?

• On Thursday (I think) I sat in a coffee shop near work and went through about thirty poems I’ve written the last couple of years. They hold up better than I expected. I may be ready to publish something this winter or next spring.

Ok, I must move the laundry and avoid staying too busy. Have a lovely start of November.

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