Sunday, October 24, 2010

I’m mildly drunk, three beers while watching the end of the Patriots game and another Glee episode, and I’m ready to take a (most likely medically unadvisable) sleeping pill before reading Moby Dick and crashing only to rise at four and run along the lake in the rain and darkness. Who said small town life was boring?

This last week has been ok but I’m flatlining and finding myself unable to really enjoy doing anything. And I’m high-strung as hell. Attractive, eh? I’ve learned that I have to get out of the house some on weekends or else Monday arrives and I’m bitter and somewhat resentful. I don’t need to go to wild parties or anything, just a coffee shop for a couple hours. So yesterday morning S and I hit Java Dock’s second floor while I caught on email and he read ESPN magazine’s NBA preview. Then I drove out to Germantown (half-thanks to my phone’s gps, which got me to the street but not the rural park) and sat in the rain and watched T’s football team win again. During the game I listened to Sparklehorse and tried to read Moby Dick but the rain darkened the pages and I felt guilty about abusing the library copy. Oh, a huge man in a green sweatsuit laced an anti-ref tirade with liberal fucks and shits and even dared the ref to come over to the stands. I was ready with my phone camera if a fight broke out. Last night M took the boys to a haunted trail as I watched 30 Rock and tried to avoid a PTSD flashback. I think they’re seasonal.

But I’m feeling ok now, really. I’m forcing myself to relax and it’s kind of working.


• I had to advocate for my program at work this week. I don’t mind, most of the people with whom I work are pretty cool, and we’re refining new processes as leadership changes, etc. But, please, really, stay out of the way if you’re not used to how our program works. I know that’s snotty, but…really. We’re doing fine.
• I’ve listened to Dido’s Life for Rent and the Pixies’ greatest hits a lot this week. And some classical, too. Suddenly I’m in the mood for Sibelius.
• Full workout schedule, six days on. Thursday afternoon I thought I’d take the dogs for an easy walk but ended up two hours later returning home after a long beach trek to Lion’s Den and back on the somewhat terrifying side of Highway C.
• I’m due for a heart attack.
• I like the Rangers over the Giants.

More later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please don't have a heart attack. Please.