Thursday, June 03, 2010

Why hello, everyone. I’m on the bedroom floor, the air conditioner blowing over near the window, a train whistle sounding through the skylight. I’m under the weather. This afternoon I curled up with Tokyo Suckerpunch, fell asleep, and woke three hours later. Will I sleep tonight? Hell yes! Thank you, sleeping pills!

Let us proceed directly to bullet points.

• I like my office in the summer. A few colleagues call it “the cave” as in, “I didn’t know you were in the cave today.” I leave off all the lights save one for the plants, turn on music, and work in the dark.
• Tomorrow I’m checking out the Dead Sea Scrolls. I have tickets, even. Then I’m driving out to West Bend to have coffee with Barb and Amanda at one of my favorite, if distant, coffee shops.
• I’ve slacked on the novel this week due to illness. I’ll catch up this weekend.
• Piratefest starts tomorrow. Why doesn’t the city support Piratefest more? Because they suck, that’s why. They support Fish Day, with the white trash shirtless drunks and 70s rock, but they can’t support Piratefest? Port Washington, I love you, but sometimes you’re a dumbass.
• I need to pay for not one but TWO lost library books. In Seattle I left the guide book on the bus. T lost one of his books, too. I will wait until a nice librarian is at the counter and approach with shame.
• This week I picked up Alice in Wonderland from Redbox. Ok, it’s not really Alice in Wonderland, I don’t care what anybody says, but I’m going to watch again anyway.
• The boys are down to the last week of school.
• I’ve been eating like shit, but in a good way.
• Oh, I’ve been on the bike twice this week instead of hitting the gym. Yay vitamin D. Remind me to check wind speeds before I ride in the future, though. Riding north into a twenty mile wind blows chunks.

Have a lovely evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m tired. Off to read.


M. Heatherington said...

I work in the dark, too! Cool and dark places bring out the best in me. My Lebensmensch used to call my dorm room the "sad boy cavern"


random anthony said...

Ha..."sad boy cavern" is excellent.

I had an optometrist ask, not long ago, if I ever had an eye injury. Apparently my pupils let in too much light. That works for me as an excellent excuse to keep the lights low.