Thursday, April 01, 2010

4/1/10 Friday 6:08PM

Happy April Fool’s Day! I only fell for one AFD prank, on goodreads, thank you very much.

I’m on the clean front porch, early evening during what feels like summer. Pete will not stop yelping at the kids in the back field, but no way am I letting him out to torture the whole neighborhood. Maybe he’ll wear out soon. Mack’s sick of him too, I can tell. S is on the computer playing 39 Clues. M is out with D, drinking in the back field, while the neighborhood kids frolic for the first time of the season. I bet they’re having fun.

Today’s been a good day. I was up around four, after crashing on the couch, and at the Y by five for 600 calories on the crossramp, leg weights, and crunches. Then I watched the X-Men cartoon with N and took a shower before starting in on cleaning the front porch. Over the winter the space becomes quite messy with winter coats, cases of diet coke, etc. and we don’t think about clearing anything out because we spend as little time as possible out there. But with the better weather I want to sit on the Adirondack chair and read, or write like this, and I wouldn’t be able to stand the mess. So I organized the last of the winter hats, boots, etc. put the recyclables out front early, etc. Later I hit Pick and Save, Aldi’s and Costco, all right in a row, and by noon I was fairly sure I didn’t want to visit a supermarket again for the foreseeable future. What did I do then? C called, so we talked, before I hit the coffee shop with To the Lighthouse. I had the place to myself, surprisingly, with the door open and one of the counter women out pulling weeds from the landscaping. After reading I picked the boys up from school, snagged my reservations from the library, and made tofu/vegetables. I guess I didn’t work on the Catherine paper, but hell, way too warm for that.

I also listened to the new DBT, esp. the first five or six songs, over and over again.

I don’t have anything deep and meaningful to say right now. Not with the birds flitting tree to tree and the kids calling back and forth behind the house. I’m gritting my teeth, hard, I’m not sure why, I think it’s me trying to break out the old, less productive habits, and my mind/body expressing displeasure. If that’s the worst of my problems, I’m doing pretty well. More tomorrow. Happy April.

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