Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sorry for the weeklong blog absence. This week at work was tough, esp. later in the week, when I followed a day of observations with a day of teaching and followed that with a day of meetings. By Friday night I wanted to eat pizza and get drunk. Of course, I fell asleep at 8PM.

At the moment T and S are watching “Baseball Tonight” in anticipation of the first real baseball game of the year. I’m looking forward to the summer evenings on the couch with the boys and the Brewers on television.

These last few days have been cold and grey. My sinuses are slightly out of whack. I’m trying to drink as much water as I can in an attempt to head off any sinus problems that’ll keep me awake. Maybe I’ll take melatonin tonight. Friday morning I lifted weights (pulled a muscle on my left side) but I skipped cardio both Friday and Saturday. This morning at the Y I managed a decent elliptical hour and finished weights a few minutes ago. What else has happened lately?

• I finished Bryson’s “Made in America” and started “Candyfreak”.
• S, N and I visited a Cedarburg candy store and looked through the racks and all the old-time candy. N bought those little chocolate pieces with sprinkles on them (nonparaleils or something?), T bought some sour balls, and I bought candy cigarettes. T and N picked out “Orangeheads” for T.
• I bought the four disc criterion set of Bergman’s trilogy, the one that includes “Winter Light”, “The Silence”, and “Through a Glass Darkly”. Even with a 30% coupon I felt decadent purchasing the set. But the library doesn’t stock Bergman films (what the hell?) and I love these movies.
• T, S and I have played baseball out back the last couple days. They want me to play constantly, and I feel like a bastard for turning them down. But I’ve also had fun watching the older two and N play like brothers should.
• I hope I sleep ok tonight. Tomorrow holds ANOTHER meeting in the morning, then I’ll find time for paperwork the rest of the afternoon. I need a quiet office afternoon.

Ok, that’s it for now. I can hear the boys wrestling upstairs. Maybe I’ll turn on some music. Good night.

1 comment:

hundeschlitten said...

I got that Bergman trilogy with a 40%-off coupon and also felt a little decadent doing it. But I'm glad that I did.

FYI, I think Borders is in the process of liquidating most of their CDs and DVDs to focus on books. Last Thursday, they were offering their entire collection of CDs and DVDs at 40% off. I went a little nuts, buying a big bag of CDs for Melissa's birthday. If you still like getting your music on CD, like us, rather than as a download, you might check it out. Actually, I still prefer vinyl, if the truth be told, so I guess that I'm really out of date.