Sunday, May 02, 2010

5/2/10 10:05AM Sunday

Boogers. Two weeks passed between postings. How did that happen, seriously? I’ll tell you how that happened. The end of the semester is upon us, in all of its horror and “light at the end of the tunnel” glory. Almost done. This last week in particular was a bitch. I was out observing students pretty much every day. I’ve lost track of in which how many classrooms I sat on the back, in tiny chairs, and scribbled notes about nervous teacher candidates’ first experiences in the field. One more week.

And how are you, dear readers? Has spring arrived in your locale? Yesterday was gorgeous and today is promising. I’m on the front porch with the windows open and blinds drawn so I can see the laptop screen. Friday night storms descended on our fair city and I drank heavily while the (Atlanta) Hawks defeated the Bucks. Yesterday I employed the “drink many gallons of iced tea” anti-hangover strategy and sweated toxins out at the gym before falling asleep (thank you, lunesta!) at 7:30. This morning T and I hit the gym again early, I showered, spilled diet coke all over me, and here I am.

• I’ve read two Jim Thompson books in the last few weeks, The Killer Inside Me and The Grifters. The latter’s review is up. Thompson is good. I don’t want to read all his books in a row, however, so I switched to a well-recommended (by Donald and David, at least) Hard Rain Falling. Yesterday I also raided a few BR book lists (Donald, Bram, Jackie, Matt, thank you) and ordered a slew of titles from the library. Without the Eastern Shores Library System I’d probably acquire all these books through Amazon used books services. That would suck.
• Yesterday I realized I hadn’t listened to much new music lately. I snagged a Ben Nichols solo disc based on Blood Meridian and the last Los Campesinos. To what else should I listen?
• The Brewers cannot get their game together but are not completely lost. They either pitch well and can’t hit or hit ok and can’t pitch. I’m slightly alarmed but haven’t given up. We’re only in the first week of May.
• The grass will need cutting sooner or later. The backyard, according to N, looks like a dump. He’s right, but the backyard is the dogs’ domain, so all we can is hope we don’t have to sell the house soon.
• Seattle in a little more than two weeks. I need to check out hotel rooms and ferry schedules to Bainbridge. Maybe I’ll stay on the island one night. That might be cool.
• Yesterday I made banana/chocolate chip bread for the first time. Man, that was easy. The boys, however, pronounced the concept of banana in bakery products as “weird” and “gross”. More for me.

More later. Life is pretty good. I’m trying to pace myself a bit more rather than work like a psycho before collapsing. Let’s practice, shall we? Have a lovely Sunday.


M. Heatherington said...

You raided my shelves? I'm so happy to hear that! Which titles did you pick out? Ha, I sound like a library.

random anthony said...

Ha...Moravagine, Matty, and The Book of Disquiet, because I didn't get to do much other than start the book over the winter...thanks, sir, for allowing me into the M.H. library shelves:)

M. Heatherington said...

Excellent picks! My friend is reading Moravagine after I recommended it to her. She loves it.

It's a tremendous novel.

And The Book of Disquiet is just really, really beautiful.

Enjoy them!