Saturday, April 16, 2011

written earlier in the day, didn't have net access in the cafeteria

I'm in the Thomas Jefferson Middle School cafeteria, 8:44AM, surrounded by chess nerds. Oh, I don't intend to sound mean, maybe just a tad sarcastic, as the chess nerds are a courteous bunch and kids could do a lot worse than chess on a Saturday morning. The locals could be snorting meth (you snort meth, right?) out in the woods or having unprotected sex in someone's garage. So, sure, chess is good.

I don't like chess. Although I've taught my children how to play as a rite of passage the game does nothing for me other than inspire a desire to end the game as quickly as possible so I can do something more interesting, like empty the dishwasher or put a new bar of soap out in the shower. S is a decent player, though, even without practice outside of tournaments. So here we are. I don't think I have to stay but rumor has it this tournament will be visible through the library windows so I thought I'd stick around for the opening matches. After that I'm not sure what I'll do. Rain and wind rule the day, perfect coffee shop weather, so perhaps I'll hit Java Dock or Smith Brothers. Or I could pick up the third Star Wars Legos installment. Either way. I have Bryson's latest in the computer case, too, so I could grab some hallway floor and read. I'm breathing and letting the day come.

Ok, nerd movement. Sometimes just said something about I couldn't quite hear/understand and all the kids are moving to the library. More later.

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