Monday, April 04, 2011

I'm on the futon while T and N play Halo. Does it sound like my kids play video games 24 hours a day? That's not quite true, although I'll often write while they're playing.

I'm in that “not sure if I should work out” mode right now. Earlier I had taken my gear, planning on changing at work and driving straight to the Y, but the sore throat was sapping my strength so I went hope and watched the Brewers instead. They lost again, by the way, late in the game. Fuck! Get it together, Brewers! Stop fucking around! Anyway, I skipped the gym, stopped at Walgreens for Dayquil, and returned home. I'm losing my chronological thread. Let me start over.

This morning was ok at work. I'm way ahead, really, more than I expected. I'm glad I answered email and worked ahead last week. Most of the morning I cruised GR/FB and put together a set of benchmark artifacts for reliability/validity checks. Yay. I guess I also fine-tuned tomorrow's class and talked with some students. Not a bad day, really.

I'm calmer lately. Not sure why. I'm a little happier. More tomorrow.

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