Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter. I love Easter's message of hope and rebirth. Had I not been a slacker who doesn't like hymns I might have attended mass. Next week.

Today has been fine. Holidays are hard on M. She misses her family, wishes they were nearby, close enough so they could easily visit. M feels the holidays, especially minor holidays, are boring. We're usually together, all five of us, while the neighbors are off with relatives. I would say visiting relatives doesn't sound bad but I remember tense, endless afternoons at my grandparents' Northlake house. Without those visits I might not have become a voracious reader, but as I preferred avoiding ass-kickings I usually hid in dusty rooms or a clammy basement and read the hours away. So today, for example, when T and I were driving downtown and we saw a couple and a child gussied up in their Sunday best, headed to the Port Hotel restaurant, well, there but for the grace of God go I. And if the afternoon was boring, well, tense and endless is worse than boring.

We took the dogs to the beach early, around nine, and let them run leashless up and down the shore. Mack and Pete were 75% good except for a longass sprint back toward the power plant when they were supposed to stay close to us. Later I ate lunch, watched baseball, and discovered Redbox's awesome system through which one can find/order a movie online and pick said movie up at the appropriate Redbox. I also read a bit more in that book about fastballs and wrote a Tomato Red review draft. At seven I'm giving that sprint workout a shot. Have I mentioned the sprint workout?

The gym workouts are getting routine. I'm hoping this jolt to the system will get my metabolism back in gear. Maybe the cemetery would make a good sprint path. More later. I couldn't lift today, by the way, my arms weren't up for the sets. That's fine. Listen to my body, I know.

I forgot to mention last night. First, I picked up T from a park in Saukville. He was hanging out with four or five very white trash kids who did not give exactly favorable first impressions. I drove four of them home, all but one new to me, and they were slightly more likable as the commute progressed. T's a good kid. He'll figure out with whom he should associate. I hope. Then M watched The King's Speech but the film bored me in about ten seconds so T and I headed west to Target for supplemental Easter supplies. Oh, I also helped M pack plastic eggs with foil-covered chocolate eggs and jellybeans that were really Starburst and, in turn, were edible. I was up later than usual, maybe 10:30, reading. Leaving bed this morning wasn't easy. Not sure why. The boys did a great job
with the egg search. I stayed out of the way.

Ok, maybe I'll clean, meditate, breathe, anything. The house is quiet. More tomorrow.

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