Monday, April 04, 2011

Early Monday morning. The dogs are asleep, Mack on the chair, Pete on the couch. Someone's moving upstairs. I hear voices. I think N is up.

Last night I drank expired cold medicine (oops), took a lunesta, and read Demian until I crashed hard before eight. I woke a couple times, maybe near 11 and around 2, then rose at 3. I drank some throat coat (throat still a problem), checked in online, and watched a few old Buffy segments on Logo until about 4:30AM. Then I lifted for the first time in close to a week. M said the dentist said I shouldn't work out too much after the wisdom teeth operation because the blood would rush to my stitches and hurt like a bitch but I was fine, more than fine, really, as the few days off seemed to give my muscles time to regenerate. The lift was easy. After that I did the yogurt/protein, ate a little more breakfast, and watched the news while drinking coffee. Here I am. On Monday mornings I often have a difficult time leaving the boys. This is exacerbated, I think, by last night's early sleep and my leaning on them about video game fights and messy rooms. So I could be in the shower now, rushing to get ready, but I'm not in the mood.

Interruption...N and M are up early. N is now quietly wrapped up in a blanket watching The Most Extreme. His nose gives me problems at night. More later...have a good Monday.

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