Saturday, April 02, 2011

A little after noon, Saturday, a cool spring day. Well, I had the windows open but M thought the air was too cold so she closed them. That was ok. Enough fresh air for now.

I'm on the futon, surrounded by pillows, a sleeping bag on my feet, the sun appearing and disappearing on and off. N is reading the comics at the dining room table. T just abandoned the X-box. S is on the computer, I think, M making lunch. The dogs are in the crate until lunch's end.

My teeth feel ok, I guess, although apparently I'm supposed to ice them more often. Only today when I looked in the mirror did my cheeks look different. Oh well. I'm not out to impress anyone.

This morning I woke near six after nine hours of intense, chemically induced sleep. I stumbled downstairs and watched the news until N took over and watched last night's Clone Wars season finale. I took a painkiller and spaced on the couch for a while before showering, cleaning, and walking to the library. You can smell spring in a way that I struggle to describe; the greenery, while appearing dead, is coming to life. A couple minutes after I stumbled into the library T caught up with me. We talked a little with Brooke, the librarian, then walked home. The exercise, only a half-mile each way, wore me out. I wrote a book review, ate a little ice cream, and crashed on the couch with another Rob Sheffield book. M's about to turn on House.

I'm also drinking coffee, first time in a couple days. I need a latte. Maybe I'll hit Alterra's later, but my energy is still low. More tonight.

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