Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm upstairs, leaning back in the green camping chair N set up next to the bookcase. The windows are open but the air is losing its heat. Kids and siren sounds filter through the screen. Birds, too.

Today is lost and directionless but not bad and probably necessary. After days or weekends like these I tend to manifest productivity. Isn't that why weekends exist? This morning, after restless sleep, I woke near 7, drank coffee, and took a shower. At nine I dragged everyone to the library. We parked on the street by the kids' section. T and I stayed upstairs while M, N, and S searched through the downstairs stacks. I found a couple baseball books, one on fastball pitchers and the other on statistics. The cable guy predicted a 10-12 window for phone repair, so N and I dropped off his mother and the two older boys before heading to Alterra's for a bagel, latte, and orange juice. The space was crowded but we snagged the table close near the counter and read for a solid half hour. I love those stretches. N will, hopefully, remember them.

The air was warm, well, warmer, around 50, and the water in the ground after a week's rain evaporated so I felt as if I were in a cooler and more comfortable version of Florida. I ate lunch, watched (with N) a documentary on the open oceans, and read the first forty pages of the fishing book. I'm restless. T needs a ride from Saukville in thirty minutes. Maybe I'll get him. The King's Speech sits in my backpack but I don't know that I'm in the mood. Tomorrow's Easter. I wouldn't mind hitting mass. Oh, I forgot to mention I worked out earlier, too, but I'm getting bored with the gym equipment so later I looked up sprint workouts online. I'll try a sprint routine early tomorrow.

There's a decent chance I'll get a sabbatical in the spring of 2013, by the way. Doesn't that sound forever away? I'd like to visit every county in Wisconsin, speak with a teacher or administrator about teaching, teacher training, etc., and write a book about it. The U will pay me to drive around the state and talk with educators. Sweet deal. The book's been on my mind. Some structural ideas are emerging. I think I could write a good one, combination travelogue, interview, academic, etc. book. Wish me luck.

Ok, I shouldn't eat anymore. What should I do? Read? Probably. Last night I finished Tomato Red but I'm not in the mood for a review yet. Maybe I'm spending too much time with words. More tomorrow. Good night.

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