Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I’ve been up since four, but as I fell asleep by nine (yay melatonin, my lovely drug of choice), I happily rose early. In fact I’d like to pick up my early morning discipline again after a couple weeks of winter break slacking. I need to create prayer/meditation time.

The new year started well. Yesterday T and I hit my office. He drew comic strips (“The Adventures of Snippy and Snappy”) while I neared the end of my computer file cleanup project. We considered a coffee shop visit but decided to drive straight home since we were moving a plant from work to the living room. Both T and S had friends over after lunch. I sat in the corner with my laptop and wrote a couple of letters. Then Cleo sat on my lap and I read the last couple weeks’ worth of “Education Week” an “The Chronicle of Higher Education.” I felt like working out, but I can’t get all sweaty in the living room with Maura’s friends around, so I made burritos for dinner and listened to NPR while laying on the couch. Later we left the television/video games off and relaxed. The boys fell asleep by eight. “Jane Eyre” wore me down, so I switched to “The Girl With The Curious Hair” before bed.

M has an MRI today. The doctors have to sedate her into small spaces, so I’m driving her back and forth to the appointment. I might hit work this afternoon, if she’s feeling ok, but as I’m pretty much caught up on my prep my office presence isn’t necessary. The boys start school again today. Christmas season is officially over. The thermometer read seven degrees F this morning. Wear something warm.

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