Monday, January 14, 2008

I feel like I’m gutting out winter. The temperatures are far from unbearable (about 30 during the day) and the sun shining more often than not. We’re heading into a cold streak, however, by the weekend. The forecasters are predicting highs in the single digits Saturday. My dad asserted, when I was a kid, that the worst of winter took place between January 15th and the 15th of February. Bring it on. I can gut it out.

This year will be easier than usual. I’m in Orlando four days the first week of February. I’m ready to work again. I’ve left the house for all of an hour through the last three days. I need to leave the house tomorrow. Maybe I’ll work on poetry tonight. I’ve been reading HS Thompson’s “The Great Shark Hunt” but my eyes are starting to glaze over with all the text I’ve absorbed over the last month. Good night.

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