Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cold, cold, cold. The weather channel indicates the current temperature reads -1 with a -13 wind chill. Lovely. I can handle these days in small doses but after a while the breathless, unreal cold wears me down. Oh well. I’ll survive.

Yesterday was the first day of the semester. You know, I’ve turned into a good teacher. I’m natural in front of the class. Students don’t scare me. I treat them with respect. If a student said, “You’re a stupid motherfucker” I’d still keep my cool. I’m proud of my craft. I never expected to get that good. The students’ presence in the building energizes me even if the students take all the parking spaces. I parked illegally yesterday. Didn’t get caught. The rest of the day was decent. I woke fairly early, meditated, worked out, finished the Orlando presentation, and made lasagna rolls for lunch before leaving for class. I taught from 1-3 and 4-6. Dumbass registration didn’t tell the students they needed to be available during the day three times over the semester for clinicals. We’ll work it out. After class we watched “American Gladiators” and read. I love my family. After everyone fell asleep I continued with the Murakami. Great book.

More later. Potential sick kid.

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