Monday, January 07, 2008

I think I’ve read about thirty days in a row. Some people can work out. I read. Tonight I might take off, though, except for a quick run-through of Spaulding Gray or something. I suppose a weightlifter, on an off-day, might just work his glutes. I read monologues when I can’t tackle the heavy texts.

We had a full-on thunderstorm today. Perhaps I should start at the beginning.

This morning I woke about seven after some late-night melatonin. Maybe I shouldn’t take melatonin after 9PM, but I didn’t know what I could do to fall asleep, and I wasn’t tired. The drug, unfortunately, didn’t kick in until about 10 and lasted until way later than I wanted to rise. I ate and showered quickly and left the house by 7:30. Oh, I busted N playing Wii when he wasn’t supposed to play. He was upset when I unhooked the system, but he’ll learn. A thick fog covered the roads, the temperatures warmer, and minor traffic caused a rare post-8:00AM arrival at work. The morning passed with emails, paperwork, repotting plants, and a couple co-worker visits. I didn’t mind. I considered hitting the 12:30AM mass but got busy. I’m drawn towards prayer lately, whether it’s Buddhist, Christian, whatever. After lunch I started prepping for my courses, none of which start for two weeks, but I’ll be well ahead of this semester’s schedule. By about 2:00PM my brain was fried. As I left the building I noticed the air’s warmth and decided to run when I returned home. I threw on some shorts, a sweatshirt, and the mp3 player (eels on random) and hit the pavement. Whoo, I could tell I hadn’t ran in a couple months. Within half a mile I was breathing heavily. By the time I reached the bike path’s intersection with the playground I had caught a pace. Of course, by then the rain had started, a cold, penetrating rain, but I still managed about twenty minutes before I reached my front door. A quick shower later and N and I watched “Bob the Builder” while M picked up the boys from school. D and I talked on the phone (our mutual hatred of Eric Clapton was a major topic) before dinner. After dinner the boys finished their homework and I read the paper. Later M, T and I had a rocking time watching last night’s “American Gladiators” premiere. I swear we had a ball. S and N came downstairs because we were making so much noise. We had a touching family moment in which all five of the humans, both the cats and the dog were on the couch watching American Gladiators’ “Eliminator” finale. Yes, dear reader, a tear sliding down your cheek, spurred by the scene’s tenderness, is permissible.

After reading N asleep I spent a Amazon gift certificate, a Christmas present from M’s mom, on the new eels sets and three Murakami books. The other boys want me to tell them a story. Upstairs I go. Good night.

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