Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I want to get down a dream before the images fade. I was house-sitting at a large house for a wealthy family (a recurring theme in my dreams). Outside of the back of the house was a body of water of some sort where rain always seemed to fall. Instead of a lush setting (common in previous dreams) this house featured wet concrete walkways and a small canal over which one had to walk makeshift bridges. Tourists rode their bikes or walked with their families along the beach and seemed excited to be there. Apparently you could dig for clams as I remember a woman excited about how many could collect if she had the proper gear. The house was in northern Michigan. People were buying blueberries but not at this spot. A series of stone tunnels were accessible through intermittent staircases. The tunnels ran beneath the house and beyond. I found a tiny restaurant run by Mexicans, with a chalkboard for posting menu items (very cheap) and cramped tables with unmatched chairs. I decided to eat breakfast there in the future.

Not much else. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's detailed.

Mine aren't nearly so vivid.