Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where the hell is everybody? They left for the pool three hours ago and they’re not back yet. Oh well. Hopefully they’re wearing each other out. T has been hell-bent on hanging out at the pool since he knows this weekend is the last opportunity to hit the water before the space closes for the summer.

This week sucked. Goddamn, I don’t know how people with desk/meeting jobs survive. I tell you, I was bouncing off the walls. I couldn’t sit still. Thursday was the worst, since I failed to work out in the morning due to leg fatigue. Big mistake. I drove home and practically dove onto the elliptical. Let this last week pass into history and let us never speak of it again. The semester starts Monday. Thank God.

Today was ok. The morning started off pretty well. I worked out to “Sportscenter”, showered, and took T and S to the West Bend farmer market. We picked up corn, apples, string cheese, red onions, and Yukon gold potatoes. When we arrived home I organized the closet so the “Got Junk” people could see the air conditioner when they arrived. M and N were at some kindergarten playground event until eleven so, when my mom arrived at ten (always exactly on time if not early), M wasn’t present to run interference. My mom and I sat on the deck and chatted for an hour until M arrived home and walked the Got Junk guys through the house (we passed). Dan called while my mom and Maura talked. He informed me that Drive-By Truckers and The Hold Steady were playing together in Chicago in November. I immediately jumped onto the computer to get us tickets. Unfortunately, M let her mom use our ticketmaster account to order Blue Man Groups last year so I had to open a new account through work to order the tickets. I was already close to meltdown but the tickets came through so I calmed down. Still, M could see my patience worn thin so she took my mom and the boys out for lunch while Dan and I talked through gig details. After my mom left the boys and I watched Olympic kayaking while I lifted weights. Now, I haven’t watched much of the Olympics but the kayaking was cool. Who knew Belarus was good on the kayak circuit? After lifting I took the computer onto the front porch and watched videos on proper sit-up/crunch technique. I knocked out about fifty of those bicycle crunches and, well, I could feel it in my abs, so I guess they’re working. The boys rallied for the pool and I hit Costco for eggs, milk, peanut butter, etc. When I arrived home I watched Veronica Mars (the cult one…I have to get M to watch the first episode, she’ll be hooked) and knocked out another thirty minutes on the elliptical. After a quick shower I ate a veggie cheeseburger and some yogurt before settling onto the couch.

I feel better having written. Hot tonight. More later.

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