Saturday, December 30, 2006

Five Things I want to Do Differently in 2007

1. Eat more fruit. I'm actually not bad with the vegetables, but fruit, hardly ever. Not sure why. I like fruit. It's all about habits, I guess.

2. Meditate more often. This is my resolution, and I'm not a resolution kind of guy. I suppose I will have to wait until later in the day to start, as I'm planning on being hungover.

3. I want to avoid perceiving most scenarios from the "what needs to be fixed?" perspective. I'm afraid this fits into the "create drama" pattern so prevalent in my family history.

4. Let things go. This is esp. important at work in light of an upcoming transitional period.

5. Take my kids out more, just the boys and me, whether we visit the gym after school, the bookstore, maybe even a restaurant.

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