Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ten Things That Were New To Me In 2006

1. I find myself sleeping with two pillows instead of one. I'm not exactly sure why, but I can hardly sleep without two pillows anymore.

2. My friend Mary recommended Melatonin for insomnia, and I discovered the deep, dreamless melatonin sleep.

3. I've discovered that if I don't shave I have grey in my beard. I quite like the grey.

4. I listened to Satellite Radio at my brother's house in the mountains. I'm considering getting a set-up with a Christmas gift certificate. I'm torn, though, between satellite radio and an Ipod, and I'm still resisting the idea that CDs are dead.

5. Whale watching, way back in January in San Diego. Quick tip for whale watchers....whales stay underwater as much as possible, especially when chased by a tour boat full of gawking tourists (including myself).

6. Borges. What a genius. "The Immortal" may be my favorite short story ever.

7. August....discovered long train rides on Amtrak were awful. I had taken the train to New Orleans about eighteen years ago, and over the eighteen years forgot how long train rides can be, with all the inexplicable, unscheduled stops and delays.

8. I saw and smelled my first hookah bar outside the Erie, PA train station late at night while waiting for the pit of a train station to open at midnight for a 1AM boarding (which took place at 4:20AM, by the way). That night was easily my most surreal of the year.

9. Alternating bike riding with running and basketball throughout the summer. My knees thanked me...this was perhaps my best decision all year.

10. Whoring myself out (uh, figuratively) to university donors. Apparently I'm quite good at it...or the U is just desperate for people to wear a suit and take potential donors (monetary, not sperm, by the way) out to fancy lunches.

More later!

1 comment:

hundeschlitten said...

Too bad you didn't enjoy the train, but the surreal night at the hookah bar in Erie, PA has peaked my curiosity. It reinforces my opinion that train rides are almost inherently cool. Then again, I have some surreal memories of my Greyhound trip from Chicago to LA with K. back in the early 90's, but that doesn't mean I'd care to repeat the experience.