Sunday, December 03, 2006

Quick dream post, before I forget...I dreamt I was enlisting in the military and the stone building at the top of the hill in "dream port" were the departure headquarters. I first climbed to the top of the building, a yellow stone building, like Chicago's old water tower but thicker, like Port's downtown buildings, but taller. A man with a ponytail, an older man, was launching a flying device of some sort. I felt an intense vertigo, enough to make me lie flat on the floor until I moved downstairs. Hundreds of men, including myself, were leaving by ship. I vaguely remember rushing for food and a bathroom (an old childhood friend was there, C. B., believe it or not), and I remember chatting with a couple people about what books I could take on the trip. The trip was related to a middle east effort of some sort. More later.

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