Monday, January 01, 2007

Today has been a decent start to the new year. I woke pretty early, around seven, after last night’s party (more on that in a second), and more or less crashed on the couch for my first waking hour. I considered cleaning the closet, but I couldn’t motivate myself that much, so instead T and I played Wii bowling and watched television. I finally showered and stumbled into the sun (welcome back, sun). I hit Target for storage cubes, vitamin C tablets (on massive sale), and a couple of other things. Then I hit Walgreens to pick up pictures. We had sixty bucks worth of pictures waiting for us. Wow…I didn’t expect that. Apparently Walgreens messed up some of them. M will take them to task tomorrow, I’m sure. She’s good at that sort of thing, much better than me, who would rather blow off the issue. She’s quite polite as well. M won’t make the photo clerk cry.
After I arrived home M informed me that she and a couple of friends were taking the kids bowling for real, at a bowling alley, rather than on a video game, then downtown to see the people jump into the lake to mark the new year. I suppose I could have watched the Badgers’ bowl game, but instead I drove to the YMCA and rode the bike for thirty minutes (10.80 miles). The desk clerk gave me a cool shirt for working out on the first day of the year. Score. At home I showered, bowled (video game), and posted the football pool seasonal results. T and I started building the storage cubes, but we realized they would be hard to move once we built them, so we gave up until M finishes cleaning the closet. I transferred some pics I took on a disposable camera out in Colorado to my computer, and then the photo website I use to spray the pictures across the internet. I ate eggs for dinner, turned on the Anonymous 4, and I’m writing now. The boys need an early night.
Our NY Eve party was a success. We had about seventy-five beers in the fridge, if you use alcohol as a measure, and about twenty are left. Let me see, I think about ten adults and fifteen kids were present. T hurt one of the neighbor girls, but they usually get along, so I’m trying not to make a big deal out of it. Apparently they were all teasing each other, etc., and he pushed her with his light saber (no pun intended). His mom’s cool, so I hope she was ok with the scenario. However, this was the only bad spot of the night. The party started at six, but only one family had arrived by 6:45, so I was starting to wonder if we had any friends. Everyone arrived at once just before seven. We watched the stupid Bears blow the season finale to the Packers, talked, and drank. The kids played upstairs, shaking the ceiling to the point where people were seriously worried a wayward child would come crashing through the dining room ceiling. I’m used to the noise…no crashing took place. N fell asleep between the bed and the wall…very funny. If I can find a picture I’ll post it here. Everyone left by ten or so. I’m usually the guy hiding inside when M’s friends and their families come over, but I think I acquitted myself socially pretty well. I don’t know.
Whoo, tired tonight. I might try to ride the bike early in the morning as well, so I should get to sleep early. Maybe I’ll take some melatonin. Good night.

Some pictures from my trip to Colorado, taken on a shitty disposable camera:

My brother carrying his equipment (he's a musician, and he had a gig) down the mountain to his car. He and I had pushed the rental car down this driveway to the main road the night before:

My brother in his weird mountain shack. The appliances run mostly on solar power...the place is about half-hour up the mountains outside Boulder. That's my foot on the side, by the way...

We stopped at a small mountain town one was one of the views...the day after the huge snowstorm:

This picture didn't come out brilliantly, but right in the middle of all this snow is a stag with decent antlers...I was amazed at how gracefully he leaped through all the snow...I took this pic from my brother's living room:

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