Saturday, November 11, 2006

These five days off have been good, I think. I don't think I'm one of these people who would need to be gainfully employed to stay busy. Anyway, more on that later. I want to talk about this morning now.

This morning I was up early, probably about six, and M and the boys were up not long after me. Saturday mornings, esp. when we have some sort of organized activity later in the morning, present time to kill. This morning I cleaned the entire first floor, burned some CDs, and filled the bird feeders. The boys were in the back field, snowboarding on a thin early layer of snow. I took T and S to basketball with two books, "Indecision" and the Francis biography. I read "Indecision" while S played hoops and T played video games in the prime time center. After the boys switched I read a bit from the Francis biography. I'm not sure why, or what the setting had to do with the feeling, but I was overcome with a sense of peace, of relief, that didn't quite fit the context. I don't expect that sensation while in a suburban YMCA, on the side of the gym, while sixty five and six year olds learn to dribble a basketball. I want to think about this further before I write more, but I valued the feeling quite a bit. I think the feeling's emergence had to do with three days during which I didn't have to worry about work much. I've been slowing moving some leaves away from the wall and into the sun. I hope I can carry that sensation into the week. It's very important. I don't want much in the physical world. I want that peace.

More later. T wants to be flipped.

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