Sunday, November 19, 2006


Fell asleep early last night, surprisingly, after a long day of doing mostly nothing. Ten bullets to back it up:

* I bought a new tv Friday night. The new tv is not huge (32 inches) but it HD and LCD with a built in DVD player. I'm worried the new DVD player might be messed up...I'm still figuring it out and I can never tell if I'm pulling out the DVD/CD too early or pushing it in too late. Some programs seem to be much clearer and brighter (sports, esp.) while others are still blah. It seems as if programs broadcasted a particular way (HDTV?) are excellent, but programs that are broadcast, er, non-HDTV are still normal. Does that make sense? I'm going through buyer's remorse, too. I can't remember the last time I spent over 1,000 dollars on anything. I'm not just spouting a cliche. I literally can't remember. Doctoral tuition? Does that count?

* I am mildly obsessed with the first five songs on Neko Case's "Fox Confessor Brings The Flood". The CD reminds me a bit of the Jayhawk's "Rainy Day Songs" in that the initial tracks absolutely blow you away before a somewhat obvious fall in quality halfway through the disc. I'll need to listen more...maybe I'm missing subtle strengths or focusing on the great first tracks too much. I burned a slew of CDS from the library (Killers, M. Ward, New Pornographers) into which I haven't delved deep yet.

* This is Thanksgiving week. I haven't planned Thursday's dinner yet. Maybe today. Normally this is a great week at work...quiet, industrious, all that. However, I still have papers to grade, and I think I have four interviews/observations scheduled, so the only day open, at this point, is Wednesday. I hate that. We're also supposed to meet my sister and her family at a waterpark next weekend. I guess that's good...four days in a row at home would get boring.

* I can feel a walk this morning. I need one. This "walk every weekend, play basketball during the week" schedule is working well. I lifted last week also...should lift again tomorrow after hoops.

* I'm still going through a period which I don't read much. I'm not sure why. Exhaustion? I tried to delve into one of the Francis history books last night and only managed a few pages. Oh well. I trust myself with words and books. When I'm ready, the desire to read will return.

* Relatively drama-free week. I sometimes think I crave drama, or I have craved drama historically. This terrifies me, as my mother is very much that type of person, and there is nothing more terrifying for me than acting like either one of my parents. Meditation helps. Keeping busy helps, although lately I've needed at least one day to clear my head on the weekends. This morning we may take the boys to Discovery World. As long as I can walk first, and do laundry later, I'm a happy man.

* M and I watched "Accepted" a few nights ago. I must admit I liked the film against all logic and reason. We also haven't finished "The Break-Up" yet. We should finish that, and I need to reach the end of "Mystery Train" to get my month's worth of Netflix. I also want to send the films out tomorrow so Netflix sends something back Thanksgiving weekend. You know how the system works.

* I felt like I had to rag on T a lot yesterday. He was so hyper, so nervous. He's a wonderful kid, so social, so eager to please. I worry about people like that. I try to tell him that he doesn't need to prove himself so much, etc., but he's eight, I don't think he gets the concept. He changes the subject. He'll be ok, I think. I'm worried his teachers will suggest medication, and I can't be at his parent/teacher conference this week because of an observation/interview. I think they're a little scared of my questions at his school. I don't mind.

* If I fill the bird feeder near the house at 8AM, the birds have completely cleared out the bird seed by 2PM. They're fun to watch, ten or twenty of them at a time, bouncing onto the feeder, down to the railing, swirling away if I move too fast in the window.

* Frost on the cars this morning. Winter coming.

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