Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Really need to write, ten bullet post:

* I haven't written since Saturday, either because of or despite of the fact I'm feeling better both emotionally and physically. Sometimes my eyes open after dark periods, and I feel like I was an idiot, but at least I was the best idiot possible.

* Tonight M and I watched the first forty-five minutes of "The Break-Up". Some of the fight scenes were pretty intense. M pointed out that Vince Vaughn's hairline was receding. I don't know. I'll watch the rest of it later.

* I'm up to three books on St. Francis. Mary lent me "The Reluctant Saint", which looks good, and I picked up a book on Franciscan prayer from the U bookstore today, since today (payday) was the "employees get 20% off" day. I also bought a knit hat that might possibly be too small for my head. What's with these whacky kids these days, wearing hats that pull tight to your head?

* I burned some CDs from the library earlier in the week. Highlights...Neko Case's "Fox Confessor Brings The Flood", which I enjoyed quite a bit, and The New Pornographer's "Twin Cinema". The Case CD reminds me of the Jenny Lewis disc, with that "I listened to a lot of Patsy Cline in smoky bars late at night" thing, but sorry, Jen, Neko does it better, even if you're better looking. The New Pornographers is hard to describe. I'll save that for later. I also burned some Elliot Smith and The Wreckers (used to be The Homewreckers, but I think the record company made them change their name). I have the new Killers and M. Ward coming to the library this week.

* My dog, Shadow, is going through a weird licking phase. Don't know what's up with her. She's most insistent. My cat (of two), Cleo, is getting frailer every week. She's twelve and blind. Tonight, during the movie, she fell off the couch, but once I put her on my lap she seemed ok.

* Yesterday we took the boys to Bayshore, a recently renovated mall, after school. The mall, all outdoors, is pretty cool, actually, although I don't think I'd shop at most of the stores. They had a decent Barnes and Noble and women's clothing boutiques I've heard of but wouldn't enter without a reason, and I can't think of a reason that might ever enter my realm of possibility. They had a cool Christmas tree, too, outside, on a cold, grey day. The boys liked it.

* Last night I barely lasted a mile on the treadmill. My neck started to hurt. I also don't think I've made a jump shot, in morning basketball, in two weeks. I think my weight lifting is throwing me off, but I'm also curling a bit with my fingers and pushing to the right. I didn't think I was going to be able to play tomorrow (M had to make a school visit, I thought), but I apparently can. T wanted to come watch me play, but I don't think he's old enough yet, as the W/F games are pretty fast and hard. I don't want him getting too close to the action and getting nailed.

* 55% done with dissertation data collection. After tomorrow I'll be, let's see, 70% done. I need to catch up on transcribing. I thought I'd be able to catch up next week, but I've got interviews/observations scheduled both Monday and Tuesday. Oh well, at least I'm getting closer to the end of the data collection part. I'm worried about losing a tape or notes or whatever. I imagine that paranoia is pretty common.

* Oh, I also went to Trader Joe's, the new supermarket in town. It's a weird place...strange processed and organic food, but pretty cheap. The store was crowded, I accidentally parked far away from the store, and I was hungry, so I didn't get a good feel for the space. I'll go back another time.

* Thanksgiving week next week...I love Thanksgiving. I haven't thought about what I'm cooking yet. T says he wants turkey, I've been a vegetarian for twenty plus years. I'm looking forward to getting a tree, watching elf, and taking it easy at least on Thursday and Friday.

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