Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ten Bullet Post!

* I'm almost down to the last of my kids' Halloween candy. I think the kids have actually grown tired of their stashes, but I'm still in love. Lately it's been suckers and lollipops, preferably some form of chocolate. I could do without the chewy center, though.

* Today I watched the last hour of "The Proposition". I liked the last hour quite a bit, so I'm glad I finished the movie rather than sending it back to Netflix early. I'm a Nick Cave guy, so I'm biased. I also watched the first hour of "Mystery Train". What a great movie...I had almost forgotten about it.

* I've been home sick most of yesterday and today. Of course, that means I go out on observations (yesterday) and answered emails and did a phone conference (both yesterday and today). Tomorrow I'm not doing shit, work-related or otherwise.

* I'm reading a good biography of St. Francis in prep for the Italy trip.

* The house is a huge mess. I know I will be feeling better when I start to clean. Almost there.

* We're in the midst of a day or two of comparatively warm (fifties and sixties) November weather. In fact, all the kids are out back, playing, although I can feel the cool starting to creep back into the air. We're set to reach the thirties again by Saturday.

* I should buy a new shower curtain, but I've pledged to avoid unnecessary purchases for the next month, and you know, we're not having visitors, so forget the shower curtain. It's only torn on one side.

* I wonder if "The Office" is new tonight.

* I don't think I listened to any music today. That doesn't happen often.

* The back porch is calling, even if I feel the need to wear an overcoat or something, despite the fact I'm wearing shorts.

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