Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ok, hold on, another quick post. I quickly looked up dream interpretation dictionaries on google, and I read two interpretations of “otter” and “ferret”. Here are the two “otter” ones:

Otter: To see otters in your dream, symbolizes happiness and good fortune. You will find ideal enjoyment or unusual tenderness with your loved one.

Awaken the inner child, be playful
Sharing the bounty of life with others
Beware of worrying too much

Here are the two “ferret” ones:

Ferret: To see a ferret in your dream, symbolizes distrust and suspicion of others. The dream may also be a pun on searching.

What do I know and feel about ferrets?
Am I 'ferreting out' information about something?
Does it imply inquisitiveness?
Is this about someone being sexually annoying or demanding?

Ok, before I go on, these are the two sites I accessed:

Both sites are a bit heavy with the new age crap (moons and whatever), but I find the fact that ferrets and otters are even listed interesting. Now, I think the animal in the dream was physically more like a ferret, but for some reason “river otter” kept popping into my head. I think river otters are more dangerous, but this animal was the size of a ferret. The ferret interpretations fit where I am a bit more. I don’t mind the somewhat contradictory elements of the interpretative possibilities. I don’t imagine dream interpretation is easy, and I doubt one animal symbolizes the same thing all the time. I want to think about this. More later.


hundeschlitten said...

As a former ferret owner who would watch every nature show I'd come across about any animal in the weasel family (of which ferrets and otters are two), let me corroborate the dream book, in that otters are totally fun loving creatures.... not scary AT ALL. But in this context, I think what an otter is actually like is a lot less relevant than how you thought of an otter when you had your dream.

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