Monday, March 19, 2007

Long day. I arrived at work by 9AM or so, after a brief stop at Target, and I thought I would have a fairly calm afternoon of cleaning up paperwork and the like before a leisurely drive towards Kenosha for an evening class. Wrong. Way wrong. I had about seven million minor fires to address, out of nowhere, before noon. I attended two quick meetings around lunch, scarfed down some Jimmy Johns, and tore from the office at 3:30. Now, the drive from work to Kenosha is about forty minutes, tops, but today, about ten miles from my exit, I ran into the mother of all traffic jams. I tried to swing off the highway, but I ran into the other seven thousand people with the same idea. The forty minute drive stretched to two hours. I did earn extra points for ingenuity, however, when I had the secretary look up one of the student’s cell numbers. I called her and got the class started on some material while I drove the county’s backroads in a desperate attempt to circumvent the traffic jam. I later read a truck jackknifed. I reached home about 9:45PM. Twelve hour days rock!
I don’t have much to say tonight. I need to get into meditation mode again, and I need a therapist. More tomorrow.

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