Saturday, December 13, 2008

Whoo. Never underestimate the intensity of the end of the semester. I’m exhausted. How do I summarize? I’ll skip the first few days of the week. Suffice to say I worked a lot. Wednesday in particular was productive. Oh, I should mention that M was off on Tuesday so she and I white-knuckled the shitty roads down to Bayshore, where M bought a shirt and we trolled the Trader Joe’s aisle for new things to eat. Ok. That’s it through Thursday.

Thursday morning I attended the boys’ school Christmas program. I don’t fit in very well among the other parents, I’m afraid, so I sat way on the side near where the kids enter (after a couple years I’ve learned where to sit), read Murakami, and waved at each of my boys as they entered the gym. The boys did a great job. I was proud. Afterwards I ran through the freezing cold to the car and drove to work. My neck hurt, and I was slightly under the weather, but I attended my 11:30AM meeting and managed to get some work done in the afternoon. By 3 or so, when the student teachers arrived, I felt seriously ill. After walking through each student’s portfolio I left the group to the new teacher panel and drove home. Pulling into the garage I couldn’t stop shaking. I willed myself inside, took a shower, huddled under the warmest sleeping bag, and shook myself to sleep. At 4AM N crawled into bed with me. I rose, went downstairs, canceled my only appointment for the day, and remained, exhausted, on the couch for most of the morning. I watched the surprisingly good “Don’t Mess With the Zohan” but couldn’t raise the energy to clean. After the boys arrived home I hung out for a while then snuck upstairs to read (Gaiman’s “Graveyard Boys”, from the reserve list, so I put down the Herodotus for the weekend) and listen to Stars of the Lid. I fell asleep by 7 and didn’t wake until 4:30. God, I needed that sleep. Today I felt much better but still weak. I cleaned a little (always a sign I’m feeling better) until my mom arrived at 9:30AM (thirty minutes early, par for the course). Luckily T had a game at 10:45AM, so I managed an hour long reprieve with the mp3 player and book on the bleachers. Afterwards we stopped by Best Buy for a new video game (Forgotten Realms?) and the first Gossip Girls season. After my mom left I worked out to the first episode. I’m still tired but I’m glad I worked out.

T’s got a friend over. They leave for a YMCA lock-in pretty soon. Everyone’s spazzing out in the house. I’m trying to get M to watch Gossip Girls. Quiet. I need quiet. More later.

1 comment:

hundeschlitten said...

Hey Tony, speaking of Stars of the Lid, I listen to those CD's you sent me whenever Milo and I are in the car. It is his trancing out music. He seems to especially like The Refinement of Their Decline.