Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday morning, a little after six, no one up yet. T especially needed the sleep. He attended the YMCA lock-in and reported he didn’t sleep at all. Yesterday he was all groggy, so I’m glad he’s sleeping late today. Shadow’s crashed on the futon. I woke near 1:30 but fell asleep again near two and managed to stay that way until after five. Yay me.

The weather channel website says wind gusts are pushing forty. The house creaks with their influence. The temperatures are barely above zero, too. Long day. I’m working at home this morning, finishing grades, paperwork, etc. Later I’ll pick up my new glasses, if they’re ready, and head into the office, where I’ll assist with the MAT benchmarks and probably not arrive home until 8:30. I miss the boys on nights when I don’t see them until after they’re in bed.

Yesterday I cleaned and reorganized my home office shelves, worked out to Gossip Girls, and probably ate too many cookies. I may pull back on working out. I’m pushing too hard and I can’t shake this cold. After noon I watched a bit of the Pack game before driving over to graduation. The ceremony was boring but at least fifteen minutes shorter than usual.

I’m not happy lately. I’m tight and self-protective. I’m not sure why.

6:19AM. Rare that everyone’s still asleep this late. I hope they’re warm.

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