Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I’m going through a massive sneezing fit as I try to write. I’ve never had significant allergy problems, but in the last year or so my eyes water to the point where I can’t read. At least the sneezing fits aren’t common. I have boogers all over my right arm, though, from turning to sneeze. There’s an image for you.
I think I’ve jinxed myself as far as sleep is concerned, too. I sent an email earlier today to a friend stating that I felt like I was doing pretty well because my sleep has improved. Then I used the same phrasing with M a few hours later. The only nights during which I’ve been up late took place in NY a couple weeks back. Tonight, however, I don’t feel as if sleep will come easily. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll read from the Laxness (finished “Gun With Occasional Music” a couple days ago, very good) or watch the second half of “Breach”. I was playing on playing hoops in the morning, but I may not now, as I’ve played the last two days and would have to ride my bike to the gym to play. M needs my car for summer school as the van is in the shop for $2,500 worth of maintenance. Oh well. We don’t have a car payment, so let’s call this money the car payment, or a little over $200 a month. Not bad, I guess, and probably inevitable.

Bullets, bullets, bullets…

Work has been fine lately. I am not particularly motivated with paperwork in the last few weeks, but I’m knocking out everything I need to knock out in the mornings. I should be ready for the semester by the late July vacation.

We almost bought a moped. I would have liked one, but the car repair bill (see above) rendered the purchase impossible. Still, I’m jealous of my neighbor’s moped. This was a sign from God, I hope, that 1) we should continue to live within our means, and 2) the kids may have been hurt had they rode on a moped.

There was nothing on TV tonight. I can’t wait for the baseball season to start again. All Star week sucks.

Apparently some kids laughed at T when he lost at lightning (a form of basketball popular here in Wisconsin). He’s probably too sensitive. Everybody gets mocked sometimes, especially if you’re a boy playing sports, I think. I hope he can handle it. He’s got his head on straight.

N and I have “played guys”, e.g. played with action figures together, a lot lately. The action figures play together, hang out at home together, and defeat zombies that come out of the ground at night (his idea, not mine). We’ve had fun. I’m getting closer to my youngest son. That feels good.

I’ve considered checking “Knocked Up” out one of these nights, but I’m either usually helping the kids get to sleep or reading.

I’ve been listening to The Hold Steady a lot lately. “Boys and Girls in America” is a seriously underrated disc. I’ve also listened to Charlotte Gainsbourg’s “5:55” quite a bit at work. Today I downloaded the new Meat Puppets and some old New Order.

Did I mention we bought a gazebo? The gazebo is on our deck. Gazebos kick ass.

More later. I’m feeling better now I’ve written.

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