Monday, July 16, 2007

I was out of sorts all day today. 10:00PM is almost here, and I wish I could just go to sleep. I couldn’t get into a rhythm today. This morning was ok, I guess, as I left for work a little after eight. I was all dressed up, for once, because I had to kiss donor butt through a morning meeting. The meeting ran long, almost two hours, but I can’t complain, as the conversation was at least interesting. I decided to drive home, eat lunch, and work on my syllabi. At first I thought I’d drive to the coffee shop, but I made the unwise decision to work upstairs. The kids were out of fucking control today. S was all pissed off because I was beating him at “Pig”, T was whining about how he couldn’t have waffles for lunch, and N…well, he was just being N. I suppose we don’t have many days like today, but I fucking yelled pretty much as loud as I could at one point. We have wide open windows, and I’m sure you could hear for blocks. Oh well. Later M took the boys to the creek to look for crayfish, so I knocked out one of my syllabi and tried to gather my thoughts. Later T, S and I played baseball for a while. We drove over to S and N’s t-ball game after dinner. N hit and ran the bases well, but he was on some other planet when he was in the field. At one point my youngest son was playing with the dirt behind second base while my oldest, who aims, I’m convinced, to shit in every gross toilet in America, took a dump in the porta-pottie next to the baseball field. Lovely. I threw in the towel and got Culvers ice cream on the way home then sat with the two oldest boys to watch the Brewers beat the Diamondbacks. I considered driving to a movie, as usual, but my eyes are watering like crazy. Is it possible to get allergies or whatever later in life? What causes them? Stress? My chest hurts from when I had to yell today.
Tomorrow will be better, I hope. I don’t have too many bad days. I’m still tired as hell just about all the time, though. Good night.

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