Friday, January 05, 2007

I’ve been meaning to write the last few days, but I haven’t found the time. Lame excuse. The same goes for my meditation. I need both more than ever, I think, but I’ve been flitting from distraction to distraction. Ok, the last few days…I’ve been quite busy at work, although I can imagine one l ooking from the outside might not think I as busy at all. On Tuesday I worked all day, although I was the only one in the office. I managed to knock out a lot early in the day, paperwork, returning emails, that sort of thing. I went in for half-days Wednesday and Thursday as well. On Thursday morning I finished the last tape transcription, and today I finished the last of the observations. I’m done. I can put the dissertation aside for a couple weeks. I would have to do so anyway because the next two weeks are looking like absolute motherfuckers. I’m not inspired or motivated by work at all lately. I’m just tired. I may go in Sunday morning, however, to knock out some paperwork because I’m swamped through next week. I refused to let the job cut into my family time, though. I needed to draw the line. I wonder how much longer I’ll last at the U. I need to think my scenario through a little deeper.
The rest of the week was interesting. On Tuesday (I think) I picked up an Mp3 player. I got a good one, lots of memory, a screen, all that, although I was ready to throw the device in the trash after I couldn’t figure out how to program a playlist. No worries. I’ve got a few discs on it now, and I’ve listened to both Thom Yorke and The New Pornographers while riding the bike at the gym. I’ve also downloaded a slew of new albums…I’ll need weeks to catch up on the catalog.
The temperatures have been unseasonably high as well. Today Shadow and I walked the woods and the bike path. The air smelled like March. Leaves disintegrated under our feet, the asphalt was fresh and wet, and the air seemed full of promise. I was somewhat worried the plants in the garden would think spring had arrived. I suppose they’re smarter than that. I also rode the bike, as mentioned above, a couple of days, and took the boys to the library twice this week. They do well in the quiet room, listening to me read, or walking through the stacks. I’ve been trying to let T experiment with more freedom, and the library seems like a good place. He’s allowed to walk downstairs on his own as long as he comes straight back. He also picked up his own library card. He’s a good boy. Today he had three friends over for football. The kids looked like lion cubs at play, just beating the crap out of each other on the football field but laughing the entire time. Anything else? No, I’m drinking tonight. Oh, and I’m a crappy UU mentor. More on that later.
I haven’t finished a complete book lately. Dan and I were on the phone tonight…we agree that transcribing tapes and notes has pushed me away from words later in the evening.
Ok, I feel better for writing. Good night.

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