So I’ve been awake since about 1:30AM, but I only need to get through one more class, starting in an hour, then I can go home. Well, I’m picking N and S up from school, but that’s ok. Maybe I’ll go to the gym tonight. I don’t know. Oh, I should lift, too. I guess I can put that off until tomorrow, but I’ll mess up Sunday a bit (don’t ask, it’s all about how many days are between sessions so muscle can recover). I’ll live.
So what did I do in the middle of the night? I graded papers, answered email, and watched tv both on the, uh, television and on the computer. I decided against working out early because, well, every muscle in my body hurt. I didn’t think I was going to get out the door. After a shower and some breakfast I got into automatic word mode and went through the motions at the office. What’s the phrase? Fake it until you make it? I fake it very well, ladies and gentlemen.
I don’t have much to do over the next hour. Get some caffeine, maybe. I’m worried about sleeping because I might not wake in time. I suppose I could ask Suzie to wake me. But that would be weird and she’d tell everyone up and down the hall I’m sleeping in the back office. I’ll pass.
Ok, maybe I’ll read a little. I’m listening to The Cure’s Greatest Hits. Today is rough. I’ll survive. Have a good day.
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