Hold on, I’m taking off my socks. There. That’s better.
I’ve got the lights down low and Lucero’s playing. M should arrive home from an IEP meeting any minute. Allow me to set the scene.
So today was “long weekend” Friday. I have no idea from where “long weekend” emerged in university culture, but I’m sure as hell not complaining. I was off today. What did I do? Well, I woke a little before five, watched some Ace of Cakes with N, drooled over Robin Meade, and lifted weights. After the boys left for school, I hit the gym for thirty minutes on the stairmaster, leg weights, and crunches. 9:30AM arrived by the time I finished showering. I answered emails and caught up on scrabble. I planned to watch Zombieland but the library copy didn’t function. Instead I answered more email and played more scrabble. At 11:50 I met Jim at Dockside for lunch. The restaurant is a veritable school district hangout Friday about noon. We sat at a back table and gossiped quietly. The sun was out, bright, and I hardly needed a jacket. When he needed to return for his afternoon classes I drove over to Grafton. I’m still not used to working the Zune while driving and I felt like I was going to barf while setting up the Lucero. Why does the Zune fail to remember the volume settings? What am I missing? I bought prodigious bags of flour, sugar, and powdered sugar, along with yogurt, etc. before stopping at Pick and Save for food coloring. The weekend promises more cake experimentation. Stay tuned.
And the rest of the week? Ok, I guess. Every week I feel like I’m slowly digging out from underneath the pile and if I have another five days I’ll reach fresh air. Although I was careful about the workaholic habits, esp. today, I could probably benefit from a couple hours in the office this weekend to get my shit together before the start of the week. I’ve also stayed off the computer in the evenings, instead watching tv with N or hitting the bedroom (can I get some Ambien? Please?) early. The boys are fine. I told T to toughen up today. Yes, I used the phrase “toughen up”. He goes to the health room too much at school. I think he gets bored. No excuse.
Oh, I’m deserting that godawful Sookie Stackhouse book. What a steaming pile of horseshit. I’m bouncing back and forth between Faulkner and a collection of travel essays.
Early grey now. Good night.
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