I wish I were asleep. I’d like to get up early and hit work, but I also don’t want to go to work exhausted. Some melatonin is in my future. I tried to sleep a bit earlier, Stars of the Lid on in the dark, but the end of the semester keeps racing through my mind, so I rose and graded. I suppose this is the last big push before the end of the semester. Same thing every year.
I tried to rest this morning and half-succeeded. I hung out and watched tv, after the cable guy installed a new cable box, and caught the first thirty minutes of the wildly boring and violent last Pirates of the Caribbean. I spent the balance of the afternoon paging through teacher education books and creating an agenda for tomorrow’s UG planning meeting. After school I hung out with the boys, graded some papers, answered some emails, etc. before taking the boys to a local Culvers for their school fundraising night. The space wasn’t crowded, thank God. The cold must have kept people away. We scarfed our ice cream and hit the library for a Tai Chi video I had on reserve. The boys chose books downstairs, including a cool new mythology collection, before we left. When we arrived home I read Jane Eyre before putting on the mp3 player and eventually giving up on sleep. I’m at the cold dining room table now, listening to Tom Waits on random play (“Sins of My Father” plays currently). The room could use a candle or hot tea. More later. Good night.
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