Sunday, December 23, 2007

Early Sunday morning, not much after three, but I fell asleep last night by eight, so I can’t complain of the early hour. I’m dressed to work out, but I don’t want to start making noise this early. I can wait.

Yesterday was fine. M and her mom went to lunch with some friends so I had the boys from 10 to about 3. I declared the day “open season on Wii and the TV” in celebration of the opening of winter break. S and N, in particular, gorged on Wii-time. T, true to form, got bored after a couple minutes and bounced back and forth from Wii to the television. I worked on the Italy journal, cleaned the house, and watched part of “Stardust.” After M and her mom arrived home I drove out to Bed, Bath and Beyond for new kitchen curtains. I bought, of course, the wrong kind. M says she’ll take them back. I also hit the used book store on BD road. The store was a bit crowded, but I love the smell of the books, so I wandered the stacks and considered buying “Possible Side Effects” but displayed a heroic (for me) self-control by leaving the store without a purchase. M called while I was on the road and said her mom would watch the kids if we wanted to go out to dinner. Ok. I picked her up and we hit Alterra’s. She ate some sort of spinach salad and I ate a mozzarella and mushroom sandwich. I looked at cool near tea kettles but again declined to open my wallet. Later I hit the upstairs bedroom and knocked out thirty pages of Murakami before falling asleep early.

I should mention the fog. The warmer temperatures have brought on some serious fog. Maybe I’ll shoot some pictures. Also, the wind is blowing very strong this morning…a constant whir, if you will, if you listen from the kitchen.

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